This just came out yesterday. I've been waiting for this to "drop" (christ i hate saying that) since February when it was originally supposed to come out. While I can't say that I'm disappointed, I can't really say that I'm pleasantly surprised either. They have strayed a bit from their original dance chip-tune-esque (that's called a gerund, that little dash there(zing)) punkish format in favor for tighter production, a more polished sound, and dubstepy beats; like if Crystal Castles were even more for club kids. That's what I would call it, except they will always be better than CC in my humble opinion because they steal way less for their own songs. Any way this is technically the first full length album from YLHCSD, less angst that their "Inner City EP" that I fell in love with, yet not quite bangers in der club. Still good and I would love to see them live, just not what I was expecting.
Leap of desire - 3:18 (current favorite)
Sunday Best - 4:01
Mud (Feat. Sucker Twin) - 4:31
Legacy - 4: 08
Blinded - 4:16
This is a Raid - 4:32
Pull Out the Nails - 4:55
Leap of Desire 2 - 4:15
Nowhere to Run to - 5:00
Softer Cell - 1:55
Another link should be available later but I like these guys so I bought it.
this may or may not work. i dont give a shit.
cmon man you cant post stuff with a parental advisory. i got kiiiids all over town.
You almost had me?!...........You never had a car.
this is pretty rad
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