do you remember early DTYD stuff when jesse made his own microphone out of a PA system, duct taped the whole thing together, and then screamed like it was a school assembly in hell? i think shat shorts (lol, pissed jeans, get it) have a similar vocal setup.
its noisy and hardcore but theres a lot of weird minor melody that doesnt really float around in pissed jeans-type stuff (zombies ate my neighbors).
there's even a dubstep remix included, which i have seen somewhere else on a HxC EP that i will try to remember (update, turns out its this band, and i already had the EP, and downloaded it again. i think i may be overreaching in my pursuit of music. time for another catastrophic motherboard failure). it's a weird idea, but i support the novelty/nihilistic glee of it. (what do kids like? DUBSTEP! what does hardcore not care about? PEOPLE LIKING HARDCORE! = IRONY).
and big kudos for a great cover. they probably should have gone with 'haggard hot pants'.
1. Amateur Hour
2. Quarterlife Crisis
3. Liveblogging The Loss of My Virginity
4. Zombies Ate My Neighbors
5. Sick Day
6. QRTRLFCRSS (goodnightmares dubstep mix)
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