so this is his first album (of three, ending with Deep Frieze 2007), and it's....well, ostensibly it's a concept album. each track is a deck of the Nostromo from Alien, ive heard.
maybe i wasnt watching the same movie, but i remember most scenes of the nostromo being fraught with loud and sudden mortal terror. SRF's Nostromo feels more like the sense of dread that could accompany deep space isolation (which, okay, is where much of the suspense in the movie comes from, but the movie also relies on people being eaten and wailing on androids and cattle prodding jones), maybe more like the icarus 2 or the fruity space station full of george clooney's problems in solaris. je ne sais pas.
moreso than deep frieze, this sounds a lot like tor lundvall (vise versa, whatever). its very mechanical. like, VERY mechanical. the bass really stands out; it has the slight pulsing stagger of engines that have run for too long.
moreso than deep frieze, this one is slightly too disconcerting to sleep to, although it is fucking exhausting (in a good way). jesus even thinking about actually producing these songs makes me imagine him drenched in sweat and breathing hard (omg b0n3r). maybe thats just what drone state does to me (potential at 15min22 felt like maybe 3 minutes to make, i awoke afterwards sweaty, drooling, and upset. i had to catch droplets from entering the mic while singing on density of self). if you have some decent headphones, open a window and listen to this loud. the crickets are starting to oscillate pitch in polyrhythm.
update: wikipedia is crushing it on the topic
"SleepResearch_Facility consists of the single band member Kevin Doherty. His music usually contains no rhythmic elements (one exception is "2.5" on Dead Weather Machine), but instead relies on spacious, extended, richly-textured sounds. Occasionally, true 'musical' elements appear in his work, such as sustained chords (in "c-deck" on Nostromo for example), but the majority of his compositions consist of evolving layers of manipulated noise and mechanical drones. He deliberately attempts to avoid any sonic elements which would be likely to disturb a sleepy or sleeping listener, such as sudden loud noises.[2]
The music of SR_F is also intended to create an aural environment which allows listeners to let their thoughts drift, being gently guided (instead of forced) by the music.[3] The following advice is provided for listeners: "recommended playback level: just above quiet". A more detailed overview of SR_F can be found on the info page of the official website.
The works of SR_F are inspired by power stations, distant motorways, certain sci-fi movies (eg. Alien) and various aspects of nature, including thunderstorms, empty frozen tundra, deserts, jungles and rushing water.[2][4] Two complete albums (Dead Weather Machine and Dead Weather Machine Re:Heat) were based entirely on the manipulation of a three minute recording of a malfunctioning Dimplex electric fan heater.
So far, all albums by SR_F have been produced or engineered at Somnambu-Lab (also spelled Somnambulab) in Glasgow.[5] The correct spelling of the artist's name is SleepResearch_Facility, but Sleep Research Facility is a commonly seen variation."
i know none of you are listening to this stuff, but this guy is a dronemage.
1. A / Deck
2. B / Deck
3. C / Deck
4. D / Deck
5. E / Deck
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