there isnt a decent version of the rad cover art, so here. the more time i spend listening to lichens, the more this sounds radically different from omns (2007). psychic nature is, strangely enough, more sonically/instrumentally in line with what he played live in 2007. heavy looping (compare bune to score line scoring), more low-toned hymnal singing (although he did do the higher, kind of...fuck....near-castrati tribal 'eeeeeeeeeeeeee' loop a lot). hes fucking amazing live, from his manner (lots of whiskey chugging, no words, ignoring the audience) to the way he holds the microphone (see: picture) that mutes just how loud he sings so as not to nuke the furry guitar, to how elegantly he uses a boss loop station (versus, say, russian circles just mashing away at it whenever they run out of ideas and need another guitar riff or a feedback interlude).
i dream a lot, and i forget a lot, but this album completely molded one of my most vivid dreams, and i only recall about 3 or 4 vivid dreams in my life. there were elephants and india and a sunset and fluorescent trees, but no ramnath.
1. Kirilian Auras
2. Shore Line Scoring
3. You Are Excrement If You Can Turn Yourself Into Gold
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