one of the weirder things ive heard. i dont remember if they...he is LLN or not. MA says no. if you like your hour long songs with occassional oboe, cuckoo-clock noises, blastbeats, and ecclesiastic moaning, here you go. i think he manages to include every instrument ever.
cover art does a pretty apt job. its impressive as hell. the transitions between sounding like agalloch, nyktalgia, and a cathedral with a demented circus in it arent exactly fluid, but its an hour long. it can afford to be spacious. i wonder if there's like...sheet music for it. like 'oh yes, sebastian, i was hoping for more emotion from the 4-second saxophone noodle at 23.6 minutes. can we take it again from measure 473? and-a-one, and-a-two-'. theres just...SHIT HAPPENING EVERYWHERE. and then theres breathy symphonic interludes, which are actually really well done, and then suddenly *strings exit, include the sound of people cheering, cuckoo clock noise, blastbeat, strings reenter, guitar...enter piano, howling vocals, fermata, timpani roll, enter pipe organ, begin next section*. like at 41:30. where did this come from?! its like a crash master course in being really fucking good at music.
remember in the ocean - precambrian how they would just be like NOW HERES A RIFF WITH XYLOPHONE OVER IT? its like that, constantly, in smaller chunks, for 55 minutes. its the opposite of boring, in the way that french black metal usually is.
1. Ceci est de la Musique 54:56
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