i think jake and jordan (although based solely on your posts, i have zero idea what you are listening to these days. probably just skrillex on loop.) will really like this. jeremy might too. 4 melodic songs with some fucking weird production, it kind of sounds like the best coast - make you mine approach of nuking the vocals and half the guitar tone so the surf-rock-ish melodies just kind of float in between beats.
i have no idea what i am talking about. regardless, it sounds amazing. im not sure what the cover is supposed to be, but G.I.S. turned this gem out for 'ex wife june ep', and who am i to argue.
highly recommended, i cant fucking stop listening to one thousand years. makes me lust for more chase ambler (youll hear it). i also have the demo 2009 and everything was beautiful 2009, that may make it up.
wasted my whole...liiiiiife!
1. one thousand years
2. visions
3. the kids we used to be
4. june
yeah once i'm done with skrillex's discog. (i'm trying to make em my #1 artist overall on last.fm) i'll get right on this. :P
that was for jordan, who has abandoned his I HATE DUBSTEP EXCEPT BURIAL SOMETIMES platform, apparently.
you are going to love the shit out of ex wife.
haha right you are, i totally dig em. i can see the best coast vibe in there as well. thanks :]
is good
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