Title: Dr. Larsoon's Medicinal IKEA Planktape 2011
Introduction: A sludgy, droney, grindy, hardcore-heavy twin playlist with interludes arranged loosely in descending tempo. It's called IKEA for two reasons: 1. assembly required, 2. fuck sweden.
Background: Max wants drone sludge fast hardcore noodly drug jams, and Max is a follower that wants whatever Max wants.
Experimental Apparatus: 13,323 songs, vodka, bourbon, sleeping pills, excessive free time, desire to please. Mixed and trashed.
Procedure: Pay attention, because this part is important. Import each folder as a separate playlist. You will have to arrange them manually, which will be particularly painful for the first half. Sort by number (or, the leftmost vertical bar in an iTunes playlist), drag them in order, then right click on the playlist and 'copy to play order' just to be safe (this way you can later sort by artist or whatever, and always revert)!
The only real trouble will be the 6 Endless Blockade songs
(as they all have the same title and 3 have the same length), so extra hints (a screen cap with file size and song length) will be provided to put these in the right order (YES IT IS RELEVANT). Because I hate hearing too much of one sound in sequence, interludes (mostly electronic) and humorous asides (only a couple, space is tight) are included. Again, these should be placed in the right order.
It is recommended, and it should go without saying, that it should be listened to avec headphones. Especially the second half. Regardless, enjoy, and this should occupy you for a while.
Part 1 - 39 Songs, 1:48:30, 168.2MB
Max, I don't know how droney and sludgy you wanted this, so Part 1 is for you.
1. Diarrhea Till You Die Bi-Pedal Douchebag
2. Cursed Dead Air at The Pulpit
3. Trap Them Carnage Incarnate
4. The Endless Blockade The Endless Blockade
5. The Endless Blockade The Endless Blockade
6. The Endless Blockade The Endless Blockade (Traditional)
7. The Endless Blockade 14 - the endless blockade
8. The Endless Blockade The Endless Blockade
9. The Endless Blockade The Endless Blockade
10. Furnace Giles Corey
11. Unpersons Number
12. The Ocean I. Hadean - The Long March of the Yes-Men
13. Benoit Track 04
14. Rudimentary Peni Media Person
15. Venomous Concept Hard On
16. Holy Fuck Super Inuit (Live)
17. Doomriders Do You Like To Slam Dance?
18. Crazy Spirit Cool Death
19. Celestine He Is King
20. Daughters Our Queens (One Is Many, Many Are One)
21. The Chariot And Shot Each Other
22. The Soviettes Multiply And Divide
23. B.Lewis Black Zinfandel
24. Snakes Alive Fog Tiger
25. Trenches Ocean Currents
26. Oaks Spine
27. Time to Burn Emma Peel
28. Jucifer Birds of a Feather
29. Helms Alee Grandfather Claws
30. Battle Of Mice The Bishop
31. 65daysofstatic 65dos-massivestarattheendofitsburningcycle
32. Wugazi Ghetto Afterthought
33. Lucrecia Conga (Gloria Estefan Cover)
34. Killing The Dream Black
35. Lullabye Arkestra 06 Fog Machine
36. Swarm Of The Lotus Snowbeast
37. In Slumber Snow Bleeding Summer
38. The Mirimar Disaster Control. Alter. Delete.
39. Zoroaster Spirit Molecule
LINKPart 2 - 18 Songs, 1:49:48, 163.5MB
Max, I don't think you like hardcore that much, so Part 2 is for you.
1. Big Business Another Beautiful Day in the Pacific Northwest
2. Strong Like Bear Track 1
3. Meatjack Light
4. Stonehelm Zombie Apocalypse 420
5. Noxagt Acasta Gneiss
6. Flying Lotus Camel (Nosaj Thing Remix)
7. Telepathy Glaciers
8. Petrels Canute
9. Nadja Stays Demons
10. Near The Parenthesis I Remember It Differently
11. Last Days nothing stays the same, nothing ever ends
12. Take Creosote (feat. As Is)
13. Thou Voices in the Wilderness
14. Echoes of Yul Ape
15. Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel -April 18 2008 Improvisaion 2
16. 36 Home
17. Neurosis Nine
18. Jucifer The Mountain
LINKError Analysis: Please let me know what you liked, and particularly what you didn't like. This is important for future experiments.
Results: There is a strong chance this could also apply to Brett, Jeremy, Jake, and possibly Jordan or TJ. Also we get around 350 hits a day, and it's statistically unlikely that Max is just F5ing us to popularity, so some lurkers may enjoy this too.
Part 1Okay I fucking love the beginning. I'm not sure how accurately iTunes will import the gapless playback, but DTYD just wades into Cursed. I thought the Endless Blockade bit was hilarious, so apologies if you dont (also its great that the feedback at the beginning of Furnace - Giles Corey sounds like it could be another version of the EB song). Benoit has (at least) the drummer from Black Sheep Wall (Max, if you couldnt tell that, I am going to hit you). It gets a little classic with old Rudy P and Venomous Concept's thrash tone, leading into the first interlude at Holy Fuck, and the first novelty song (Doomriders). From here, it gets more balanced; the sludgy grouping of Celestine and Daughters (I know you have it, but that 9 stringed guitar sounds amazing) and the evangelical trippiness of And Shot Each Other.
Soviettes and B. Lewis as interlude two.
This part is all groups; Snakes Alive and Trenches due to the similarity in vocals, Oaks and Time To Burn because they start with the same chord [update: SO, CLOSE!] and sludge their way into completely different songs, and Jucifer/Helms Alee/Battle of Mice for RAGEFUL WOMYN VOX.
65dos/Wugazi/Gloria Estefan Cover as interlude three.
Killing the Dream is the end of the hardcore, more or less. This is where it starts to slow. Swarm of the Lotus (Swarm of the Lotus made it in in spite of larsoon already having it because I have an ungodly habit of screaming the 'move through the NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT' part any time I drive anywhere. That part makes me want to freeze to death while maiming mammoths) is the transition between the groovy major keyedness of Fog Machine and the katatonia-esque death doomcore of In Slumber (Dr. Plank, let me know what you think of In Slumber). Part 1 concludes with Spirit Molecule for how well it fades out as related to Big Business at the beginning of Part 2.
Part 2Big Business as the intro, right into SLB (the full 4 song EP of which I will upload soon. SLB is like...fucking....Pelican playing Thou covers). Meatjack, because I decided not to include any black metal and needed some terror beyond just Unpersons. Stonehelm, which Palace Master has heard before on a roadtrip (and because I couldnt include Electric Wizard, because you have all of it), into a kind of interlude with Noxagt distorted viola noise and Nosaj's clicky Flying Lotus remix.
Telepathy is the closest thing to mathy noodles that made it (par example, Gnarwhal didn't). And it gets really sludgy/post metally and sounds like the Severnaya approach of mashing random riffs together and doing it quick enough that some people are too confused to hate it. Conveniently, Petrels has kind of a similar approach to electro noise drone (...or the Severnaya approach to Mirovia), with loud tidal pulses (like...it starts loud, and then it gets fucking LOUD) and glitch noise layers. Telepathy and Petrels sound great together.
Nadja is required, because you requested sludge and drone in the same comment. There was no question. The end sounded decent in the transition to IDM.
The second half of this playlist kind of works by inverting the interlude idea. Near The Parenthesis, Last Days, and Take form a solid IDM/ambidrone group, and thus Thou and Echoes of Yul are the outlier doom pair before more ambidronery. Most Echoes of Yul songs are fucking insanely beautiful, but this one is easily one of the best. The samples really sell it; it's terrifying. The Thou riff at 4:15 is the reason this song is up here. I headbang my hair dry with that shit.
My favorite 36 song (listen loud at the end! hnnnnnggggg!), trippy terror drone Neurosis interlude, and then THE MOUNTAIN. This is a fucking beast of a song. It's slow as dicks, it's endlessly sing-a-long-a-ble, and the way it ends its just so fucking hollow that it works much better as an outro to these two playlists than say, beatless ambidrone would have.
So there you go. Let me know what you think.