
+HIRS+ - Dimebag 2011

the good news is that

update: this doesnt end with -step and there's no attempt to rhyme or establish flow. i hate to be the sole voice shitting out an opinion vs. the blog, but i am so fucking sick of what's been showing up, and i cant rely on deathspell to crush sonic boundaries at a rate that will sustain me. HOORRRRR HORRRRRR HORRRR BREEEE BREEEE BREEEEEEEEEE.
blastbeats = salve

if you are willing to argue with a song called 'gaytheism', i have no problem in beating you to death. just let me know, my address is pretty freely found.

my current interest is more related to 'worship' (which i cant even post), but i think they arent '+HIRS+'-related so WROOOOOOONG. this is like a purified wall of xbrainiax, but holy fucking dickfuckshitballs;


its a grindpile of kill yerself, constantly.

1. 31. getcha pull. 00:45
2. 32. blind as god 00:28
3. 33. no sound guy 00:17
4. 34. justifiable reasons to murder 00:19
5. 21. we've all been demoized part 1 00:10
6. 22. fucking stoned 00:08
7. 23. NBGAY JAMZ 00:06
8. 24. who starts smoking weed at 30? 00:05
9. 25. new years puke party 00:22
10. 71. dimebag 02:45



fuzzy barnacle said...


Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. said...


Stonewall Jackson said...

gaytheism sounds like a song title i would give one of my garage band tunes.

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. said...

there's still time!