Really low-key IDM from Britain. I still don't understand or like the name of this genre, but damned if I don't love the genre itself. Vector Lovers has the ability to do a lot while keeping things fairly minimal, which lets him keep things about as peaceful as I've heard in IDM. This post has his first two albums, Vector Lovers and Capsule For One.
Vector Lovers - Vector Lovers
Vector Lovers - Capsule For One
IDM is the pinnacle of genre-naming, for a reason.
Art rap you say?
cmon, think about the phrasing of 'intelligent dance music' as compared to the people who, when asked what they listen to, would say 'intelligent dance music'.
I can't even wrap my head around actually physically saying "intelligent dance music." I still pretty much call it techno/electronica since that's what would make sense to most people anyways. Or I'm just going to start calling everything art rap.
Can't get it, eh? You, sir, must lack the intellect to understand true creativity and art
but i try to do the same thing for 'post-dubstep', because my relationship with dubstep is kind of like the imaginary relationship i have with my imaginary pedo aunt who molested me and im not really allowed to talk about it and also im autistic now.
tl;dr, either molestation or dubstep is a guilty pleasure for me, and i have a lot of guilt. also the perks of being a wallflower was fucking awful and i read it in an hour in 2004. im excited for the movie to compete with whatever 2 or 3 twilight movies that will come out in 2012 because i am going to be in drinking game heaven. or hell.
1. dont call anything post-dubstep just yet.
2. dont read perks of being a wallflower.
3. or do both and write for pitchfork, probably.
tell your friends about IDM.
Where does post-modernism fit into the discussion of post-dubstep? Because I had a really strong urge to include footnotes in my GRE essay and I blame DFW.
No one wants to hear about IDM. Ever. I'll continue in my role as a missionary of kpop.
“I think the dubstep that has come over to the US, and certain producers — who I can’t even be bothered naming — have definitely hit upon a sort of frat-boy market where there’s this macho-ism being reflected in the sounds and the way the music makes you feel. And to me, that is a million miles away from where dubstep started. It’s a million miles away from the ethos of it. It’s been influenced so much by electro and rave, into who can make the dirtiest, filthiest bass sound, almost like a pissing competition, and that’s not really necessary. And I just think that largely that is not going to appeal to women. I find that whole side of things to be pretty frustrating, because that is a direct misrepresentation of the sound as far as I’m concerned.”
From my interview with James Blake in this week’s Phoenix. I particularly recommend reading up to the last two questions where he talks about covering female pianists (Feist, Joni Mitchell) in the ‘American frat-boy dubstep market’. (His words not mine.) He was really stoked on talking about this.
thanks james blake.
you can avoid footnotes by using too many commas and parenthetical information, just like your mentor and hero: me.
and its never too late to get into pornogrind in a big way. wow your friends!
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