Teardrop (Knight Riderz Remix) | Massive Attack I want to wake up to this song every day for the rest of forever, at dawn, in slow motion. Preferably it'd be sung to me by metal Bui and his faithful wolfdog.
Infinite-vs. Lee Bannon | Zumbi The glitch modulator is back!
Slow Drug (Max Ulis Remix) | PJ Harvey This is dubbbbb, but I can't help but think that maybe it could use a little STEP. No, NOTHING IS SACRED.
Boudicca (Telekinesis Remix) | Optiv DRÜM'NBEIJ
Far | Auriculaire This song is amazing in that keeps dramatically and flawlessly changing texture. Piano samples, live drum samples, eerie synths. The noises! So goooood.
DnB Ting (PockX Extended Edit) | Skrillex This song makes me want to do massive quantities of cocaine.
Raise Your Weapon (Sluggo & Nerd Rage Remix) | DeadMau5 Because there aren't enough versions of this fucking song... This one's definitely my favorite. It's got spunk! Spunkstep! Boom bap!
is...is metal bui danzig? i cant tell but the weird body shape looks right.
i think that gif is related to the reason 'brett howl' is brett howl.
yeah it is.
or it could be metal bui sent back from the future to yell at our fauna
i cannot fucking wait for the future
That is the best gif i have ever seen ever!
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