my god. idiot's guide tells it better, as usual, and i know no one reading this has listened to a single sun araw song, but...
you know how your grandfathers really enjoy music that seems slightly unstuck in time when you hear it now (obviously, but more kind of the sense that you cant help but filling in a world you couldnt have known with your own little projections)? this is like...grandfather music being blasted from a house a few hundred yards down the beach. if your grandfathers grew up in the 50's and 70's in a nearly parallel universe. also your grandfathers really liked sun araw.
it reminds me of run DMT (the other run DMT, not the boring one) in that each of the two sides are kind of a smattering of vaguely incoherent but cohesive emissions.
also it sounds like a mellow dose of righteous acid. since you wont listen to it anyway, im going to use even more words (from idiots guide and sun ark) to make this post longer so it will be frustrating when you furiously try to scroll past it.
"Fans of Sun Araw will recognise a certain jaded/faded humming of psychedelia... a psychedelic sound that is undeniable but curiously monochromatic; as if somewhere, elsewhere, there's a really grooovy party going on but you're sitting in a room, headstuffed with Cumin and Salvia Divinorum imagining what it might feel like to be invited to that party.
swept endless tumbling
jerky guitar trail offs
rhythms made out of the mis-hits from a 70s Cow Punching competition
others discarded from Maximquaye's dark hours on two track
tracks that seem like afterthoughts and come-downs
fidelity slips
broken-wheeled wagons, circling in the snow
cannibals w/cannabis"
""Stately Thai boogie, swaying and sealed in Bakersfield sun. Righeous Acid is Alex Sarad, unleashing this his first c30 of deeply mantric and contemplative fretboard meditations with a depth of soul that vacillates from bleached temple rhythms to bayou sweat in an instant. Sensitive and glowing from within." - Sun Ark "
beware that im using psychdrone kind of solely to perpetuate this sound that i have mischaracterised but dont want to correct. its not really drone. but it is fun and funky and it will emerge from the waves to make your brain shit and then dance. its acid music.
update: im not sure exactly what's happening, but listening to this really loud with headphones seems to hint at an entirely different layer of sounds sitting just at the borders of the music, as though its a highly digitized recording of a scattered playback from a record player. there are some awkward snaps and glitches and a bass layer that seems like it existed in the original songs and survived the production effects that altered the upper layers into something distant. like a shadow of feedback.
i may be missing it entirely.
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