this ranks up with jesu s/t. the more i try to rank my most important albums, the more i feel like i just wade deeper and deeper into similar genre territory. which i am largely fine with.
this band is one of the few that i will always, always go to see live, regardless of recent albums or lineup changes or anything. the first time i saw them was probably still...well...one of my top two dates of all time (at least for me. the other was the FUCKING SCIENCE MUSEUM). openers are usually completely superficial (except tombs, holy shit), and then fucking pelican wades out, looking like malnourished williamsburgians, with a bottle of fancy wine each, and without a word, just fucking pllllaaaaayyy mmuuuussssiiicccc for at least 90 minutes. its better than any church, if you were someone that ever got anything out of going to church.
this album is their best. i gave a 15 minute presentation on sirius for an honors music class once after drawing a genre flowchart on the entire board that attempted to describe the combination of sounds, musical ideas, subgenres, and timbres one could identify in pelican for the completely uninitiated. my inspiration for the flowchart was the fact that for a couple years at least, MA referred to the band's genre as "progressive melodic drone sludge", which gives me a half-stock every time i hear it just out of sheer brilliance. also i made a handout for the rest of the class, that included both a graphical time line and breakdown of the song itself and the quote
“Whereas earlier material was imbued in a minor-chorded wall of sound, Pelican aimed skyward in full embrace of major keys and overtly uplifting melodies.”
which was not mine, but holy buttfuck i wish it had been.the worst part of this album is that march to the sea is not march into the sea, the far, far better 20 minute version only available on the single. on the other hand, the single is thuuuper worth having too, because (gigantic fucking surprise) JK broad-dick wades in to lend some ambiance to angel tears. and the cover art of the single is fuckin cool, if you are gay for clouds. i am gay for clouds. just look at it.
plus "march into the sea" is much better than "march to the sea", unless you are still really into sherman's tactical plan for the south.
listen to it, loud and straight through.
01. Last Day of Winter
02. Autumn into Summer
03. March to the Sea
04. -
05. Red Ran Amber
06. Aurora Borealis
07. Sirius
if a password, robixxx
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