So I thought today that maybe I'd step out of my norm a little bit and post a really awesome foreign minimalist IDM producer...
I know I add a myriad of these assholes to this blag, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't genuinely think they were awesome and at least worth checking out.
So Mujuice is this Russian dude who makes really space-y/glitchy electronic muzyka using a lot of samples and this fucking cool instrument thing that he controls by waving his hands over it. He does his own vocals too. If you like Free the Robots, you'll dig this guy. Here's a video of one of his live performances, he looks like he's got the trashy "pOsT-eMo" Skrillex thing going on, but we forgive Mujuice, just as we do Skrillex, because he's fucking good. Only Mujuice is a little less gay. In my opinion.
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