i heard they write everything on acoustic guitars. super, super heavy. the beginning of 1 is soooo cool, right when the feedback peaks and resolves and he just goes "*inhale* BBBLLLLEEEEAAAAAAAARRRHHHHHH!!!! *inhale* BBBLLLEEEEEAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR *inhale* WHHHHHAAAAAAA *inhale* DDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
so, so cool. very draining.
LIYL - running face first into a wall so hard that it then collapses on top of you, as a slow motion, looping .gif
1 | [untitled] | 15:06 | |
2 | [untitled] | 12:47 | |
3 | [untitled] | 11:00 |
This screams Jeff Benson
ahhh yeah i saw those. and as someone who is on vacation with jeff benson right now, it's eerie.
also im really glad that this comment will be under buried at sea forever.
and since no one else responds to the things i post, you win
I would have posted it on yer FB.
But you know how that goes.
I hate that the remnants of deleted posts remain on blogger.
This is what I was going to reciprocally post
i deleted it for you. i can do that. i have the authority.
and, mazel tov.
You're a good friend.
And a Happy... Whatever!
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