vinyl only. 36 churns out records like a sleepy, sleepy nadja. if you like being awake or cheerful, or already know you dont like ambient drone, you can stop reading.
otherwise, this is very similar to other 36 releases: quiet, looping (as opposed to more psychy fluid drone) electronic pulses and pads, and some ambient noises stretched and mashed into drones and tones. it's beautiful and LONG and it feels much, much more...i guess filling than did the sparse, cold, "freezing to death in a calm winter sea" type sound of Hollow. this album is like muting Sunshine and watching the scene where the psych officer opens the viewing window to look at the sun directly (not when he dies, but early on when he describes it as the opposite of sensory deprivation) in slow, slow, slow motion.
01. Before Time
02. After Time
03. Drifta
04. Drowning
05. Disappear
06. The Mirror
07. Lucid
08. Memories In Widescreen
09. Melt
10. Side
11. Vesl
12. Revert Time
13. It's You (It's Me)
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