easily one of my contenders for Album Of The Ever in what appears to be 320. seriously. this may be the best album ever made. it will rape your face with heavenly glory.
i seriously can not say how much i love this album. its beautiful and perfect and if you dont like drone or sludge or long songs or JK broadrick, you will. i will attempt to describe it in more depth at a later date. i will use phrases like:
"every note played sounds like he is completely flattening every string on his guitar will a full arm-windup starting high above his head."
if you have no exposure to this (fuckers) and dont like heavier stuff start with tired of me and just plow on in to sun day and we all faulter. and definitely listen to silver.
1. Your Path To Divinity (9:14)
2. Friends Are Evil (9:43)
3. Tired Of Me (9:31)
4. We All Faulter (6:56)
5. Walk On Water (11:24)
6. Sun Day (10:03)
7. Man / Woman (9:29)
8. Guardian Angel (8:07)
I've seen two jesu concerts and they both were heavy as fuck. Very good stuff.
ive only seen one and i had to leave early. it was on halloween, and there were like maybe 20 people there.
it was so, so good.
broken link
still works for me...
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