sleep research facility is the best-named musical experiment i have ever experienced.
if you are going to listen to this and not be on tranquilizers and not be in bed, you had better turn it up, because it is next to silence. like, right fucking next to silence. if you have trouble sleeping, this will do the trick.
hail antarctica, hail polar drone.
1. 79ºS 83ºW
2. 72ºS 49ºE
3. 82ºS 62ºE
4. 86ºS 115ºW
5. 80ºS 96ºE
this is sweet how did you find this?
also, is it time to start posting more choonz? i think danejah and his butt buddies have failed at shutting us down
ive had it for a long, long time, but its nigh impossible to listen to on the computer/amp so i always forget about it until i switch ipods/sleepytime music.
i tried to find the original post where i got it but all the old blogs are pretty much gone. i think it may have come from surfing mirovia's friend list on myspace and then searching for the album once i found the guy.
the album is so insanely quiet. it makes the aiden baker/thisquietarmy split album (which is one of the other ones, along with 36, i listen to a lot) sound like a crushing wall of technical death metal.
as for posts, get on it! DONT LET THE HATERS SLOW YOU DOWN!
i know they said we ruined our own blog, but holy shit! i can still log in and everything!
also, swear to god, i will give you a dollar if you listen to some of these and write me a little synopsis
i am way too shit-scared
Hahaha you have to listen to them they are fucking hilarious
that is not a functional synopsis
if i were blind, i would be just...ejaculating all over the goddamn place.
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