nothing special, but i still love the genre. or bits of it. like veil of maya. the beginning of the album is real cool, your troubles... and pendulum bring to mind their first album which they have yet to top. the last song, i sincerely hope is a joke, like anal cunt's cock-rock single of 2010, "fuck yeah".
also i fucking love that "djent" is a genre.
if you are on the fence about this, just listen to [id] again because it is so, so much fucking better. the last song really sinks the whole album, and an iffy second half doesnt help.
1. My Frailty
2. Your Troubles Will Cease And Fortune Will Smile Upon You
3. Pendulum
4. Bread Crumbs And White Stones
5. To Carry You Away
6. Sleeper
7. Promises Kept
8. Encased In Ice
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