this album is the bee's tits. it is so. so. so. fucking well-rounded. its like if every day you woke up in a beach house in northern california when its hot and sunny, so you put on your trippy bathrobe looking thing (this is an allusion to the video i wanted to embed, but for some reason it doesnt exist any more, which features the band playing dragon of the deep part 1 with the acid mothers temple guitarist in what look like silk bathrobes) and wade out onto your deck overlooking the cliffs and plug your gibson into your wah pedal into your 420,000W amp and drag it outside with you and decide to USE THE FUCKING RIGHTEOUS POWER OF FUZZY, PSYCHEDELIC NOODLING THROUGH MAJOR KEYS TO CREATE CLOUDS AND GIANT WAVES AND THEN ALL THE SURFERS DROP MORE ACID AND THANK YOU, BECAUSE YOU ARE THE NEW GOD OF THE SONIC PETTING ZOO.
it sounds like that. im sure thats how the band would describe their sound too.
so here's dragon of the deep 1, which starts with the best bass line in the world. cory and i are going to see them live if its the last thing we do. AND IT JUST MIGHT BE.
What is the password on the rar file?
robixxx, i suppose
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