took them 6 years after this to make the album. similar, quieter, samples from a swede with a broken back i guess.
01 – Hospital H The Social Worker Dragon
02 – Promenade
03 – Le Gilet Fraternel
04 – Lesra
Password –
yesssss. link is no good, btw
why is it linking it internally?
it's...not difficult to see how to fix it, bros.
u r way too smart brah
seriously, did you look at where it went? it just added "" in front of the already listed link.
in one of those little events on the internet that top scientists are calling a miracle.
saw that. couldn't figure out how to make it not do that... did they ever figure out how magnets work?
2012 is a way off... not that I'm being any more social. Find out a country where you can get a work visa and I'll meet you there next summer :)
something about metals are really good at digesting enzymes, i think.
bitch i have a work visa here and it's not helping me at all.
:((((((((( No jobs that actually use your degrees or no jobs?
i have two jobs, both unpaid, that use my "skills".
im hoping whole foods will call me back, because i am hemorrhaging money commuting to my charity hobbies.
me and the dog are the entirety of the "occupy my parents' house" movement. 99% of us can't afford additional schooling and have no prospects.
but 1% of us dream about chasing squirrels in our sleep.
You show 'em. You'll find something, mebbe a PhD in Environmental Girl Butt Chem.
My bourgeoisie ass is gunna go down to the financial district to check it out at some point - maybe when they propose something tangible.
dont get any drum circle on you
Bring back Glass-Steagall/4 Loko!!
disregard my text on mt eden. it ended up being amazing. Lotsa new stuff and excellent dnb. They had a mashup of ghosts and stuff with outkast and one of their own songs too (but it's not on the internetz).
Zeds Dead, the crowd, and 17 yo kids from NJ asking me for rolls was cervantes-esque. *Ca-Pow* This is for women everywhere!
it's good to know people can be relied upon to fill these unique niches in our lives anywhere in the world
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