i thought this was from WFLM a while ago, but the blogspot search function is notoriously retarded, so im not sure. i believe this is their first set, recorded july 4th, 1999. since i couldnt locate the original link, this is what i have. 6 songs, where many have 8, so im verifying that now (via this torrent). many of them became how strange, innocence, while some (#3 for starters) didnt make it anywhere.
either way, this is the mood im in. kind of stuck dreaming about starting over. not necessarily in 1999, but the further away the better. although im not sure if i would have wasted less time or a shit ton more.
yeaaahhhh get the torrent one, there are 8 songs. my inability to leave the house to see shows is fucking killing me. EITS was here september 13th, for the first time since the last time i saw them, and that show was goddamn revelatory.
link updated, this is all 8 songs:
my favorite explosions album. I've got 6 songs
the live set is your favorite album? or how strange?
the torrent has 8.
they're both quite good. but the first track of live makes it the best
well hang on. im uploading the full one now.
7 is remember me..., and 8 is glittering blackness again with 6 minutes added onto it.
you better fix the concert thing before tycho. I'm seeing them in about 20 hours
i have tickets for both nights printed.
also tycho is him, but he's touring with a full band this time.
or you can use the gender neutral schlim or schler.
although im trying to figure out if someone else can use printed tickets with my name on them to get in, because the idea of going to a show is already causing...undue anxiety.
hahaha. Noticed that after I wrote it. A habit when referring to bands I guess.
You don't need to be social at a show. Pretty sure I've gone to shows and not said a word to anyone or interacted with people at all. Thinking about it is probably than actually doing it. If you don't go, I'm flying to Denver, breaking into your house, probably eating your food, then taking you to do shit (with people)
lol you cant hotlink that one, apparently.
i like to imagine you were trying to send me this sequence:
because i couldnt find the one of fry going 'swish!'.
good luck B'n'E-ing my house. bitch i own a gun. and an odorous canine that is either snoring or farting at any given time.
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