what is traditional black metal? is that a thing? would that differentiate between NSBM and DSBM? and pagan BM? and prog BM? whatever, taake crushes this shit. it sounds amazing, and then blammo, super awesome black metal banjo riff. i feel like im listening to a BTBAM side project. really great production, the drums sound fucking amazing, like they are severing the rest of the instruments into very, very tiny particles which sound cohesive when played at flank speed. the strangest melodies show up in the strangest places, removing this from both 'traditional black metal' and never reaching the enslaved-level of distracting melodicism.
it sludges, it noodles, it pelicans, it gorgoroths...it's a fucking terrific black metal album.
i just listened to it 6 times through, it's wonderful.
'i hope we have the coldest winter ever'
update: im bumping this by a whole week because i have yet to stop listening to it.
the drum production is just fuckin...
i was recently, and exhaustively, fingerprinted by the government and the drums sound like rolling your fingerprint from right to left on an atomic level; where every nuance becomes a clashing curve that only stands out in relief.
1. Fra vadested til vaandesmed
2. Orkan
3. Nordbundet
4. Du ville ville Vestland
5. Myr
6. Helvetesmakt
7. Dei vil alltid klaga og kyta
Couture pandas!
...published october 10, 2011?
also this is one of the worst things ive ever been going to read in the future.
but its good to know that the new yorker loves liturgy. someone get brett.
"Many of its adherents are almost monklike in their attempts to achieve “transcendence,” or, in the case of the Wolves, to agitate on behalf of sustainable farming. The quickest way to understand the newest wave of black metal is to imagine that Satan did not score a visa and is still stuck in Norway. (There are some American bands that do believe in Satanism—the scene’s factionalism underlines its fervency.)"
...wat o_o
i suppose it could be worse. pitchfork could have written it.
Noel: In due time, you'll know everything.
Natalie: Well, maybe then it's too late!
Mike: Wow! The future conditional pluperfect subjunctive.
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