
Slabdragger - Regress 2011

do you like electric wizard? sleep? elder? abdullah? bongzilla? weedeater? ramesses?

think those, but with the occasional torche-like bomb tuned riff wall (see: 1:52 in splice the mainbrace). its fucking big.

and look, its yet another song with the network monologue.

  1. Bab el-Mandeb [9:36]
  2. Erroneous Maximus [2:24]
  3. Splice The Mainbrace [4:10]
  4. Iron Vulture [9:47]
  5. Regression [4:36]
  6. MurkyFen [4:35]
  7. Woe Betide [6:20]
  8. Trichome Oddyssey [8:10]


Anonymous said...

No, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. said...

well then i am just amazed that you wasted both your time and mine by responding!