soccer max is going to hate this one, i think. you both asked for electronic stuff right? its all going to be recent stuffs (in terms of added to this harddrive) too. also someone tell dodd and jeremy, because it might end up electro-heavy and jeremy wanted spor - hydra.
let me know as soon as you download it so i know if it works or not.
1. Koan Sound - Max Out
2. Noisia & Hybris - Crystalline
3. Monophonique - Protoss
4. Mr. Little Jeans - The Suburbs (Arcade Fire Cover)
5. The Lonely Island - We're Back!
6. Kid Cudi - Falling Star (R3K Remix)
7. Amon Tobin - Bedtime Stories
8. Fancy Mike - Ramachandran #1337 (Satanicpornocultshop's Bleep Bloop Blorp Refix)
9. Redial - Venom (Dead CAT Bounce Remix)
10. Downlink - Gamma Ray Burst
11. Noisia - Shellshock ft Foreign Beggurts
12. Nero - Promises Ft. Sub Focus
13. Culprate - Child's Play
14. Spor - Hydra
15. Amon Tobin - Lost & Found
16. Numbernin6 - She
17. Pale Sketcher - The Rainy Season
Downloading it now. It's got Crystalline and the The Suburbs cover, which I made a point of searching out and acquiring, sooff to a good start before I've even listened to any of it.
ive been listening to the suburbs cover for a week. straight. i cant stop, its fucking phenomenal.
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