He was so fucking good live and a really cool dude for the very brief interactions we had. Pink Lady was unreal live and he also played the second drop of Nero - Crush on You, which was tits. Then he got too drunk during Datsik's set and sprayed a fire extinguisher at the back of his head, thinking it was a foam one lolz. Datsik ran off stage and fell over and the whole stage cleared and no one could breathe. Then Spor ran outside and hid from security underneath a generator haha.
1. To The Stars
2. Strange Behavious feat. Tasha Baxter
3. Pink Lady
4. Chain Smoker
and then we fellowshipped him
arent you supposed to be writing an essay?
also no link, and is that TJs only shirt?
-yes he wears it all the goddamn time
he's wearing it right now.
TJ isn't really...photogenic, is he.
whys yer pointer finger look so skeletal?
also i completely verified my hypothesis
dude bro... that was my bass face.
link is broken again btw
TJ: Fondling Giant Balls Since...I Don't Know...1991?
anyway, this is really cool. but imagine how cool it would have been if he just mashed hydra into the middle of it.
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