A couple days ago, i was bored and sitting in my room and picked up a case which held about 25 of my old CDs that i probably hadn't even thought about in at least 4 years. This led to me going through the next case, and the next case, and so on until I had flipped passed anywhere from 600-1000 of the fuckers. So much time and money has gone into filling those cases. At that time, i realized again how much of my life I associate with music. A wave of emotions and trivial details came crashing in and out of my mind. When i bought them, where i bought them, how they sound, how they made me feel, how i felt in general. Allow me to let you into my head a bit:
First album I ever bought. Kindergarten, in the desert. Jakob Dylan, son of Bob, and friends. Pretty decent album, even today. Soon to come: Hanson, Prodigy, The Verve Pipe (they were only freshman. Get it?) You have to start somewhere, right?
Third Eye Blind-S/T
This one has even already been featured on this blog, but it holds a special place in my heart. First album I can remember sitting in front of a sterio and listening to repeated times in a day. I pick up a guitar and decide I want to play music as i wear out my disc.
Korn-Follow the Leader
First album I ever had to hide from my parents. It's kind of silly thinking about it now, but when you're in, what, 3rd grade, a few "fucks" and "shits", you're using headphones, always. I hate this band now, but I will still sing Freak on a Leash if i ever hear it, for sure.
Blink 182-Enema of the State
Misfits-Collection I
This album single handedly changed my life forever. Most important CD I own, easy. I wanted harder music, I wanted more horror movies, and most of all, I wanted more of THIS.
The Cramps-Songs the Lord Taught Us
Sublime-40 oz to Freedom
Pinback-Summer in Abaddon
First time a song ever made me shed a tear. Not because it was sad or I was sad, but becasue of the emotion and the feeling and the atmosphere. I still get goosebumps when i listen to this. I remember it was a particularly sunny day in 2006 when I bought this. Spring break, I think. I am happy.
Opeth-Blackwater Park
Going through the ranks from butt-rock to punk to hardcore, my musical tastes constantly progressed. I emersed myself in both much softer and thoughtful music, aswell as the opposite extreme. This is probably one of the most important extreme metal albums ever recorded, and picking it up brought to light another side to my tastes and opened my doorway to black metal and the works. I am forever in debt to these Swedes.
I could go on and on and on and on and on, but I'm going to stop. But first, honorable mentions: Something by Integrity (Seasons in the Size of Days), because they control my life a little, i guess, and I can't stop buying their shit. Desmond Dekker, Toots, Dandy, Laurel Aitken, and the spirit of '69. The motherfucking king, Elvis Presley. Aggro. Explosions for letting me escape everything, always, no matter what. Joy Division. The Specials. A Silver Mt. Zion, because some hearts are true. MUSIC WITH FEELING! The music I've made over the years with people i love and trust. Also talking about music forever with Dr. Mantis Toboggan, The Pocock, and Hordan, because it's important to share it with someone you care about.
In the end, I think it's healthy to hold on to aspects of the past, whether good or bad, whether music or not. Nostalgia. Take from experiences and grow from them. Hold onto memories that will keep you looking forward and keeping your head up. Hold onto memories that make you sick to think about and overcome them. Don't forget where you came from and what got you there. It's good to remember, and I like remembering. I haven't lived long, but I do know this part of me will always be intact. But without further rambling, 2010, I say to you, I'm ready for the next step on the ladder that is my life. I'm ready for your shit, so fuck off and help me out with making this a year I'll want to look back on.
Currently listening:
Neutral Milk Hotel
let me put my nostalgia pants on and fuck the shit out of my past.
...you can do that with pants on? rough, bro.
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