The cover says it all. 'ALLO GATO!
Since the name change from Giant to Braveyoung occured, the North Carolina sludge outfit has cahnged their direction significantly. Giant is heavy and raw doom/sludge, but also beatuiful, while Braveyoung is softer and more melodic sludge/post-rock. It's stange that this change came out of just a name change, but hey, more power to 'em.
The EP is composed of 2 songs, both of which have really cool names. Upon The Boughs Which Shake Against The Cold, borrowed from Shakespeare of course, is nothing like Shakespeare, but it's still a very well constructed song. The focus goes in and out of the guitar work and the almost tribal drumming, which pulse rhythmically throughout. It's really easy to forget what you're doing while you listen to this song as it puts you in a sort of daze.
The Days That Sat In Front Of Everything, song deux, is an almost 17 minute swan song ranging from ambient sections and feedback to more tribal drumming with chanted vocals over it, to heavy sections that make you feel the days... that sat in front of everything. Powerful song, beginning to end. Powerful album beginning to end, aswell. It's perfect for background music, but it's also perfect for if you just want to absorb the music. I can't get enough of it, really. I also recommend Song by Giant for those who were hoping for something a bit heavier.
I agree. This album is devastating. Part of me missed the heaviness but this has a new sort of weight i am sure we could agree.
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