What is Katatonia? First, take doom metal in the early 90's and have the vocalist fuck the shit out of his throat. Now, chill it the fuck out. Make it fucking simple and redundant. Like pop music except less fucked. Keep some of the fucking elements of metal and make like a fucking thousand CD's that all sound the fucking same. Over time, slide down that slippery slope of mediocre fuckedness.
BUT, this is the album where it all came together. More composed that Brave Murder Day, less siily goose-ery than the current albums.
brave murder day is better than anything. ANYTHING.
stop fucking with my formats! with your stupid non-dates and non-labels. lets TRY TO KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL BRO.
also wtf with the non-regulation album art sizing? cmon man. cmon.
It has a date and label, so STFU. Also HAPPY BIRFDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im going to go ahead and make some real labels for you
also thanks for swearing as much as possible. it really ties the review together.
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