ahhhhhh 4 long songs, harsh vocals, fucking insanely great use of electronics, and some of the weirdest goddamn solos i have heard. if you dont think mammatus is ever going to release a split with thou and acid king, youre probably right, but this fills in nicely.
band description: "Emerging from the briny depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Aquanaut burst forth from the water, a juggernaut. Simultaneously fast and slow, sludgy and sleek, Aquanaut is a new kind of force. With one goal in mind, the warrior turns south and begins its final journey; to sink Australia."
interests? suicide. influences? suicide.
1. Sunken Ark 10:12
2. Flying Fortress 11:24
3. Galaxy Rider 12:00
4. Bong Water River 09:00
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