the girl on the cover looks like one of jeremy's boobs.
hey jeremy remember when i was talking at you about the girl who makes drone and made that "YOU'RE KVTE" black metal valentine? thats her on the cover. and on your boobs.
we are moving to san francisco. dont get a motorcycle.
1. Desolation
2. Reflection
3. Hatred
4. Grievance
5. Lament
San fran or bust, but the bike is coming. We can rude together.
no helmets
jean shorts
back tatt's.
we will be so awesome together.
i should warn you, once i have an income, the only two luxury items i want are 1. a nice suit and 2. a barrett m98b.
both of which are technically legal to own in california.
also she agreed to make a split with me.
you will inevitably be involved.
you in a suit! We will dine on George T. Stagg. only George T. Stagg.
make it so
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