also: i always forget about melodic black metal until i listen to it, but the sheer desperation in the tone completely destroys me. i get this grimace on my face and really wide eyes and creepy shit and i imagine i can feel my body collapsing in real time and i feel so rushed; like everything i have ever done has been a complete waste of time.
i dont know. i fucking love that desperation though. its the best way i can describe it. the pissed melodic suicidal hardcore doesnt even come close. deathspell touches it sometimes when they throw in one of their ludicrous melodies, but generally its these blastbeat-y long songs that toy with simple delayed melodic progressions that do it. (first half of tunnel of trees, most WITTR). it's when the song doesnt slow for a really long time and you adapt to hearing the blastbeat, so the only thing changing is the tremolo chord and it kind of enters this drone-state, where despite the rampant physical kinetics of the song, not a whole lot changes from beat to beat. then when it stops you realize again that it had been furious picking and drumming and suddenly there is this colossal void.
so....yeah. i like that.
01. Violet
02. Language Games
03. Unrequited
04. Tunnel Of Trees
They are going to be here on the 23rd, but I'm going to be in California =(
Blasto, bro! With Owen Hart.
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