certainly appropriate to post at 4:38am under a blacklight. sounds like muted crystal castles, or old bands that i should know and be into but im not (case in point: i would like to say there are bits of joy division in there, but ive never really gotten into joy division, although i have seen control 3 times. so i will not say this, so jordan doesnt show up and start wiggling his flaccid elitist OLD MUSIC DICK AT ME) . songs like "a walk" remind me of being in middle school and listening to rapture and paradise lost and anathema and deciding that i always want to live in a city where it rains and i can see my breath. and it reminds me of hearing the albums velvet cacoon stole and deciding the pacific northwest was for me. shades of salem, but very quiet and more fluid shades. salem covering sleep research facility songs.
regardless, it's pretty sad, but a little too active to sleep to. really nice use of vocals.
if you like this, i highly recommend alcoholism.
1. Come See
2. Never Came Close
3. A Walk
4. Perfect Life
5. Keep Still
6. Different Heart
7. Make Me Return
8. Common Era
9. Very Careful
i'm wigglin'
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