so im really glad my french is terrible, because this is one of the most nazi-humping black metal bands ive ever heard. but they have good tone, and a strangely minimalist traditional-yet-melodic black metal approach. the first four songs are the only ones really worth listening to, though.
i fucking hate nazis. their lyrical themes are listed as "Satanism, Pagan Cults, Antisemitism". cmon guys. no one does that.
01. Aigle Conquérant (Titus Victorieux)
02. Et Autres Germes de Pourriture
03. Dernier Bastion Blanc
04. Sur les Ruines et les Cendres de Sion
05. Agonie (Outro)
06. Les Jours de Dieu Sont Comptés
07. Ma Necropole
08. ...Et Autres Germes de Pourriture
09. Consumatum Est
10. Quand les Swastikas Etoilaient le Ciel
11. Seigneur Voland
12. Hommerie: Animal-Masse
13. Jeunesse Epuration
14. Le Cancer Moral du Desert
check out DISIPLIN too then... love them, all their shit, but they've recently come forth with the fact that that they're all nazi scum. they used to just not talk about it and i liked it way better that way...
anyway check 'm out its REALLY good:
ps: oh shit... it got waaay worse aparently.. now its even got nazi written all over the lay out :(
still if you get through that, i promise you, its worth it!
like how no one acknowledges that the other bands all the dudes in drudkh are in are NSBM, because drudkh is awesome and never mentions it.
grim, but not fun grim.
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