For those of you who know Alex Hart, I only found this because he posted it to Coren's Facebook wall yesterday. Parvata is a recent project of his friend, Alan Steenblock from either Denver (according to his MySpace) or the Springs (according to his Bandcamp). One of those... Whatever, the point is that he's a friend of a friend and this album is really impressive. This is his first one I believe, and he just released it November 8th.
I don't like likening new artists to other ones, but this guy reminds me of a more downtempo, psychedelic Ratatat. You can't really go wrong with any of that. The beats are sick, as are the basslines, the layering is wonderfully-orchestrated, and it's all super catchy.
Highlights would have to be Sunshine, A Thousand Paper Cranes, StrapZ Brew, and Dreams.
You should really give this guy a listen/download.
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