this is one that i had really hoped brett would do.
so yadda yadda whatever they live in a sod hut in west oregon or some shit, its cool and worth reading about but it doesnt make an album. i think this/WITTR may be one of the only driving forces left in the genre (nyktalgia spends too much time not releasing shit, VC do fuck knows what, i have a sneaking suspicion that pink unicorns of doom are a joke, and gorgoroth are drama queens). but HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. this album is insane. it is beautiful and perfect and the depth of it is unreal. i dont really like long songs unless they go nowhere (earth, expo 70, probably some other band that completely defies my completely untrue generalization), but its the only format suited to this type of songwriting. hhhnnngggg its so fucking good.
- Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog - 10:33
- Ahrimanic Trance - 14:05
- Ex Cathedra - 10:58
- Crystal Ammunition - 14:20
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