One of the greatest musical recordings in existence, GY!BE's finest work and amazingly influential. The tracks do not come in the normal order, instead they are listed as "movements" and following in the good old post-rock fashion, are long as FUCK. Sleep is arguably (well, you'd have to argue me) the greatest GY!BE track, solely for Murray Ostril's soliloquy in the beginning, and the build up to Efrim just screwdrivering the guitar while the drums hammer out melodies akin to soldiers storming the beaches of Normandy. Bonechilling and awe-inspiring.
1.1: Storm
1. | "Lift Yr. Skinny Fists, Like Antennas to Heaven..." | 6:15 |
2. | "Gathering Storm/Il Pleut à Mourir [+Clatters Like Worry]" | 11:10 |
3. | "'Welcome to Barco [sic] AM/PM...' [L.A.X.; 5/14/00]" | 1:15 |
4. | "Cancer Towers on Holy Road Hi-Way" | 3:52 |
1.2: Static
1. | "Terrible Canyons of Static" | 3:34 |
2. | "Atomic Clock" | 1:09 |
3. | "Chart #3" | 2:39 |
4. | "World Police and Friendly Fire" | 9:48 |
5. | "[...+The Buildings They Are Sleeping Now]" | 5:25 |
2.1: Sleep
1. | "Murray Ostril: '...They Don't Sleep Anymore on the Beach...'" | 1:10 |
2. | "Monheim" | 12:14 |
3. | "Broken Windows, Locks of Love Pt. III." | 9:53 |
2.2: Antennas to Heaven
1. | "Moya Sings 'Baby-O'..." | 1:00 |
2. | "Edgyswingsetacid" | 0:58 |
3. | "[Glockenspiel Duet Recorded on a Campsite In Rhinebeck, N.Y.]" | 0:47 |
4. | "'Attention...Mon Ami...Fa-Lala-Lala-La-La...' [55-St. Laurent]" | 1:18 |
5. | "She Dreamt She Was a Bulldozer, She Dreamt She Was Alone in an Empty Field" | 9:43 |
6. | "Deathkamp Drone" | 3:09 |
7. | "[Antennas to Heaven...]" | 2:02 |
They don't sleep anymore on the beach.
i kind of liked f#a#oo better, mostly for dead flag blues and east hastings
dead flag blues is fucking god tier, but nothing will beat lift yr skinny fists to me.
east hasting in 28 days later? holy shit.
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