so much better than that other band a few posts below. this is heart wrenching music, to say the least. they are so retardedly good at this sound. its waaay better than the last full album too, which was too slow and unambitious for my taste. its also better than amesoeurs, and since agalloch hasnt done anything of note in years its way better than agalloch too. this album is awesome. only 42 minutes, so theres little wasted time.
highly recommended.
les descripts blows this out of the water for me. lthough, this album IS fucking amazing
les discrets sounds exactly like agalloch with a french production. they need to diversify yo bonds.
these are way different, though they both sound like different agalloch albums dubbed in french. they made a split together...
I will be back to nu-metal - as soon as the new Deftones comes out. Download white pony, you skankbag
Also, this is a good album. Why did agalloch have to become so mediocre...
they ran out of steam and took the honorable approach of "hiatus". i support it.
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