so here's 12/21/09:
(i went ahead and removed the 'kurt cobain looking at a bear' broken encyclopediadramatica link)
and because theres not a goddamn thing you can do about it, top 12 songs (couldnt hit 10) of the last 4 years (not necessarily released in the last 4) in order.
1. Ben Frost Theory Of Machines
2. Cult Of Luna Genesis
3. Gorgoroth Prosperity And Beauty
4. Genghis Tron White Walls
5. Tycho Past Is Prologue
6. The Distillers Hall of Mirrors
7. Deathspell Omega Jubilate Deo (O Be Joyful in the Lord)
8. A Silver Mount Zion God Bless Our Dead Marines
9. Explosions In The Sky Your Hand In Mine
10. Crystal Castles Air War
11. Pelican Sirius
12. Black Sheep Wall Modest Machine
NOTABLE EXCEPTIONS : sigur ros - saeglopur (wrong hard drive), BTMI - syke life is awesome (wrong hard drive), converge - in her blood, electric wizard - funeralopolis, streetlight - saddest song, hives - abra cadaver, interpol - specialist, isis - carry, jesu - sun day, last days - i remember when you were good (wrong hard drive), the peacocks - for you, port royal - jeka, the rentals - california, saprogenic - force fed excrement, sleep - holy mountain, third eye blind - motorcycle drive by (wrong hard drive), tokyo police club - citizens of tomorrow, torche - mentor, velvet cacoon - avalon polo, voxtrot - the start of something, baroness - isak, kill the zodiac - we breathe from the same mask
theory of machines swiiissh!

and here's 12/21/19:
--------[[here's my note from a few weeks ago:
10 yrs ago i made a list of my favorite 12 songs in order (because i couldnt decide on 10). no one gave a shit at the time, so im doing it again while excluding every song/artist on the first list while reducing the original receiving audience of 3 people to a more modern 0 people. mostly doing it to see if i can still accomplish a goal, no matter how trivial, but also doing it in case prosbro finally vanishes
10 yrs ago was really, really fucking terrible, and in a tip-of-the-iceberg kind of way. somehow i still feel like the exact same person but lacking any of the energy/forward momentum i once had.
atm ive narrowed it down to 33 songs out of 68,881 options but the issue is ranking them (is jesu #2 or is magrudergrind). also trying to not start browsing/trawling for more.]]-----------
~[[and the total song number is much closer to ~71,000 now (12/21)]]~
~[[and im already trying to mentally re-order the first 12 from '09, which are obviously immutable, because my ocd is rapidly getting out of hand]]~
i had a lot more to choose from (maybe 15k total 10 years ago - meaning this time i allowed +24 instead of +12), and resolutely did not consider any artist from the first list, meaning this list does not replace/supercede the original, but it does mesh. combining the two would be an entirely distinct operation. i will add that the ranking is inadvertently somewhat loose, since 75% of it is entirely fluid from day to day and hour to hour.
the most important change is that there is no black metal this time, because the more i listen to gorgoroth and DsO, the more convinced i am that they are the peak, but i am barred from listing them again.
so ill mention this preemptively: i would describe many of these as 'perfect songs', which means that the first several at the top of the list are actually 'perfect songs' that i dont think could imaginably be improved upon, and then the rest are "perfect", and then may be the last third of the 24 are pErFeCt.
i mention that only so i can begin to discuss #1, because it is the only song on this list that i truly, truly believe to be flawless and immaculate. i havent yet decided whether or not to spend 300 words per song justifying my choices, so as a placeholder just know that 'someone like you - fast track vocal mix' is probably the finest song ever made. i can very easily write a page or more on each of these songs. like why i had to go with wu tang 7th chamber instead of da mystery of chessboxin, which i like more, because chessboxin ends with a masta killa verse that drives me fucking insane i hate it so much. why did they allow that. also, lots of notes on the specific version of the jesu and reagan youth entries, the use of 'you on the run' in the limits of control OST, etc
EDIT - haHA go fuck yourself! it's back up to 25 songs! and number 26 wouldve been mount kimbie - blue train lines

1. Etienne De Crecy Someone Like You (Fast Track V
'im colorblind...youre out of siiiiigghhhhhh....-ttt'
2. Jesu We All Faulter
3. True Widow FOUR TEETH
4. The Armed Forever Scum
5. Chuck Berry Promised Land
6. Salem Killer
7. Title Fight You Can't Say Kingston Doesn't Love You
8. Immortal Technique Peruvian Cocaine
9. Blanck Mass Hive Mind
10. Third Eye Blind Motorcycle Drive By
11. Warthog Exterminate Me
12. Interpol Take You On A Cruise
13. Saprogenic Force Fed Excrement
14. Queens Of The Stone Age Go With The Flow
15. Future Islands Long Flight
16. Mr. Little Jeans The Suburbs (Arcade Fire Cover)
17. Wu-Tang Clan Wu-Tang 7th Chamber
18. Magrudergrind Built To Blast
19. Boris Floor Shaker
20. Jon Hopkins Open Eye Signal
21. Merchandise anxiety's door
22. All Dogs The Garden
23. The Endless Blockade Irrationalism Uber Alles
24. Reagan Youth I Hate Hate
25. The Black Angels You on the Run
addendum - instead of making a '01271-' mix on 012718, i made the first 20% of 2 mixes 3 years ago and then a month ago named a third mix and none of them will ever be because im fuckin losing it
012718 - lysis
012719 - tactility
012720 - ordinal
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