oooof it seems a lot noisier than the past stuff. but i dont know that it is. the vocals and drums stand out in the mix, which allows for lots of 'flatten the bass and guitar with CHAOS' bits which are rad.
im listening to the album in reverse now, and revenge is goddamn brilliant.
fuck it, this whole album is so perfect and awesome. wintermusic for a balanced and intelligent summer. PLAY IT LOUD.
1. Alone
2. You Are The One
3. Mind Control
4. Worship
5. Fear
6. Dissolved
7. Why I Can’t Cry Anymore
8. Revenge
9. And I’m Up
10. Slide
11. Leaving Tomorrow
so good. :) makes me happy
Thank you!
Dr. Mantis,
I'd like to send you my band's latest release, but I can't seem to find any contact info.
If you can send me some to ncg233@gmail.com I will send it over.
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