ohhhhhh mmmaaaaannnnn. they made me delete horseback battle hammer a long time ago, and i dont have their split with slomatics (which has the best cover art of any album i have ever seen ever), but theyre still playing in like F or F# or something. so...
it's conan.
are they playing down in G? i read it once. floor/torche's (and maybe slabdragger's too?) 'z-tuning'/bomb-tuning was down to A, i think the first conan stuff was on G. i have no idea. it's stupid low.
01. Hawk as Weapon (6:19)
02. Battle in the Swamp (4:44)
03. Grim Tormentor (5:45)
04. Golden Axe (5:39)
05. Headless Hunter (7:48)
06. Invincible Throne (8:55)
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