Ambient / IDM / Techno (their labels, not mine) out of the Netherlands. Sound kind of like Trentemøller at times, though not quite as polished or consistent. Still, they're only students, so they have a lot of potential. On this album, they've apparently decided to name their songs using madlibs, with titles including "Flabbergasm," "Sex Madness," and "Banana Joe is going bananas."
Highlights are:
Learning the Ropes
Der Zauberer
Universal Soldiers
The other songs can be good, but also occasionally wander into weird territories. Still, worth a listen as they do some interesting things.
Ludique - ludique
this sounds like one really big cast iron statue.
actually i havent heard it yet, but i love labels.
okay seriously bro, 230MB is about all i have left. this had better be worth it.
It ain't that good.
goddammit its at 99%. this could have been MST3K bandwidth! or porn!
It still could be one of those things if you use your imagination. Also why don't you just get an external, 1TB costs like $40.
because some of us are still dominating the internet using USB 1.1 and a 80GB internal HD.
i really like this. im deleting as few tracks as possible.
Which ones are you keeping/deleting?(whichever list is shorter)
I loved everything the first day I listened to it, despised most the second day, and then kind of balanced out after that.
i deleted a bunch today because i need space and a lot of them sound the exact same. i think if hes counting this as one album, he could have easily lost over half of it with the same result.
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