This is one of the best splits ever, in my opinion. You've got two of the founders of the USBM depressive, one man Black Metal genre on one album making some of the most sorrowful, sad, and beautiful music ever to be put out. Xasthur's side has a couple of repeat songs (which is the norm for him) that make the other versions seem unnecessary. Leviathan's 3 tracks are all new to the album and are equally as great as Xasthur's side. Sounds a lot different from Wrest's other tunes, but it's different in a very good way.
All together, you've got about an hour of the most bleak Black Metal the US has to offer right below. I suggest you get to listenin' and sitting alone in the dark feeling awful about everything, forever.
got this one in my collection since it came out man.. epic stuff indeed
Both of 'm contributed to the Black album by sunn0))) and that one is fucking sick aswell! shiiit
Definitely! That's my favorite Sunn O))) album, too. Malefic's vocals on Bathory Erzsebet are unreal. Tortured genius.
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