unbelievable. it contains both two of my favorite non-noisedrone songs, and one of my favorite noisedrone songs. psychedelic does not even begin to describe JOMF's sound. its not as noisy as say, aidan baker or alasehir, but it is noise, for the most part. and somehow it's crushingly pure and solemn. both the male and female vocals are perfect, with the male vocals in particular being horrifically well-done. i have had a complete mental breakdown in 6minutes47seconds to hey! mr. sky.
its like....fuck....being alone on the plains on a warm summer day with a guitar as the sun falls behind the mountains and the mescaline starts to take effect. and all of your dead ancestors suddenly show up to tell you that they are proud of you, and life is perfect, and god only exists within you, and that everything will always be okay, and that it is natural to worry, but not important. also they want you to know that you are hopelessly connected to every living creation on earth, and that this is not a bad thing, and that the incredible ecstatic feeling you have deep in your stomach right now, as the blue of the sky starts to slowly degrade to darker and darker shades and bright pinpoints of light emerge from the blackness pointing your way heavenward, is god, and all things are set right.
shit dude. its fucking amazing. just play it loud. take drugs if you can, but it's not important.
1. Nice One
2. Rockaway
3. Hey! Mr. Sky
4. Spirits
5. Good Morning Kaptain
6. Loud and Mighty
7. The Louder Roared the Sea
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