The Littlest Viking - Labor & Lust 2009
Morning Glory - The Whole World Is Watching 2003
i am sad that he is re-addicted to heroin.
Dakota/Dakota - Shoot In The Dark 2003

this album* is completing my trifecta of good mathy albums, along with Good Luck and Amber Daybreak
*nope, the littlest viking replaces this.
1. Hamburger Help Us
2. I Hope To God I’m Not A Sheep
3. Indian Givers, Cowboy Takers
4. Don’t Pee In My Bed And Tell Me That It’s Raining
5. Bruises Are Buttons Of Pain
6. No Matter How Hard I Try… I Never Remember The Alamo
7. Getting Angry Is The Worst Way To Prove You’re Not Drunk
8. Can I Write Something On Your Face?
9. Just Because You Can’t See My Invisible Forcefield Doesn’t Mean It’s Not There
10. Square Meals At Round Tables
Amber Daybreak - Sentinels 2009
Ben Frost - By The Throat 2009

01 - Killshot
02 - The Carpathians
03 - O God Protect Me
04 - Hbak?sja
05 - Untitled Transient
06 - Peter Venkman Pt.I
07 - Peter Venkman Pt.II
08 - Leo Needs A New Pair Of Shoes
09 - Through The Glass Of The Roof
10 - Through The Roof Of Your Mouth
11 - Through The Mouth of Your Eye
12 - Studies for Michael Gira
13 - Theory of Machines (Reprise)
pinnacle of music
Izah - Finite Horizon/Crevice EP 2008
post metal,
Bobby Beausoleil and the Freedom Orchestra - Lucifer Rising 1981
The name Bobby Beausoleil probably doesn't mean anything to most. He was a prolific musician in the '60s psychedellic music scene of California, offering his talents to many actgs, most notably Love, a band that Jim Morrison praised as capturing the essence of psychedelics and realism. After that, he was contracted to score the short film, Lucifer Rising, in the mid '70s after Jimmy Paige was taking his sweet time with the project. He's also released several more intrumental albums since then. However, it is important to note that he released all of his music from prison while serving a term for first degree murder. To make the deal sweeter, it was the first of what would be many murders associated with Charles Manson and "The Family."
1969, Beausoleil and members of the family go to an associate of theirs, music teacher Gary Hinman, as they claim he owes Charlie and money. Now, whether that is true, and it probably wasn't, Beausoleil had had a history together of mutual musicianship and Hinman gave Beausoleil a place to crash from time to time. Bobby gets closer with the family (though never a part of it; just another musician Charlie was able to charm), Charlie says something, it is fact, boom, lets kill some bitches. Long story short, Bobby kills Hinman and steals his car, which is how he was eventually captured.
So yes, the dude is tied to one of the most infamous murders/cults in history, but with that being said, that is not just some kind of gimic; this guy is talented. The whole score of Lucifer Rising is some of the trippiest, yet most solemn and somber music I've ever heard. And to top it all off, on tracks V and VI, Bobby shreds. All of the music was written by him, most was performed by him save for drums and extra guitar, and all from prison, which I think is quite an achievement, since I know how well recording from prison can go (please see: any of Charles Manson's recordings or, better yet, Burzum's last two albums. Absolute shit.). The music fits the Aleister Crowley influence perfectly, but more than that, it's just good music. It's also a LOT fucking better than Jimmy Paige's vision. Turn it on when you drive (if your drive is 43 minutes or less), or when you just want to zone out. And if you're interested, check out his other albums. Albeit less focussed, they still display great musicianship. So, without further adue...
Because I Can
and because theres not a goddamn thing you can do about it, top 12 songs (couldnt hit 10) of the last 4 years (not necessarily released in the last 4) in order.

NOTABLE EXCEPTIONS : sigur ros - saeglopur (wrong hard drive), BTMI - syke life is awesome (wrong hard drive), converge - in her blood, electric wizard - funeralopolis, streetlight - saddest song, hives - abra cadaver, interpol - specialist, isis - carry, jesu - sun day, last days - i remember when you were good (wrong hard drive), the peacocks - for you, port royal - jeka, the rentals - california, saprogenic - force fed excrement, sleep - holy mountain, third eye blind - motorcycle drive by (wrong hard drive), tokyo police club - citizens of tomorrow, torche - mentor, velvet cacoon - avalon polo, voxtrot - the start of something, baroness - isak, kill the zodiac - we breathe from the same mask
theory of machines swiiissh!
NOTABLE EXCEPTIONS : sigur ros - saeglopur (wrong hard drive), BTMI - syke life is awesome (wrong hard drive), converge - in her blood, electric wizard - funeralopolis, streetlight - saddest song, hives - abra cadaver, interpol - specialist, isis - carry, jesu - sun day, last days - i remember when you were good (wrong hard drive), the peacocks - for you, port royal - jeka, the rentals - california, saprogenic - force fed excrement, sleep - holy mountain, third eye blind - motorcycle drive by (wrong hard drive), tokyo police club - citizens of tomorrow, torche - mentor, velvet cacoon - avalon polo, voxtrot - the start of something, baroness - isak, kill the zodiac - we breathe from the same mask
theory of machines swiiissh!
fuck you
Rosetta - Wake/Lift 2007
heartbreaking. took me a while to fully appreciate it in relation to other post metal wankery (ISIS), but this is so much better than anything else in the genre. the vocals have completely grown on me, and matt weed's guitar playing is so fucking beautiful i want to drown in the tone, even if its mostly a super delay pedal.
"This is the kind of music that deserves to be blasted at obscene volumes, filling every inch of a room with its natural textures and droning noise."
also, in this video when the fugazi-skinny singer is yelling with no mic i want to wave my dick at strangers because YELLING IS AWESOME. is that weird?
Psyched to Die - Year One 2008/2009
An-ten-nae - Acid Crunk Vol. 2 2009
CHALLENGE: listen to king prawn fucking loud and try not to move any part of your body in relation to the music. i fucking defy you to try.
1. Bang That - An-ten-nae 4:02
2. Foolish Silence - Ooah 4:37
3. Southpaw - Datsik 4:45
4. Gangsteppin - Marty Party 5:29
5. King Prawn - Opiuo 3:18
6. Ulysses - Akira Kiteshi 3:43
7. Bleep Gemmy 5:19
8. Do You (An-ten-nae Remix) - Freeland 4:22
9. Stay Triumphant- Apox 3:56
10. Caribbean Heat - Samples 4:56
11. H.A.A.R.P. - ill-Esha & Dewey dB 6:04
12. Pharma Sutra - ill.gates & Filastine 3:23
13. Waiting For Initiation - Bluetech 5:48
14. Hard To Find - Robot Koch 3:33
acid crunk,
Thanksgiving - Nothing 2003
Venetian Snares - Sabbath Dubs 2007
Vic Chesnutt - North Star Deserter 2007
12/24 - he killed himself today
Jackie-O Motherfucker - Flags of Sacred Harp 2005
unbelievable. it contains both two of my favorite non-noisedrone songs, and one of my favorite noisedrone songs. psychedelic does not even begin to describe JOMF's sound. its not as noisy as say, aidan baker or alasehir, but it is noise, for the most part. and somehow it's crushingly pure and solemn. both the male and female vocals are perfect, with the male vocals in particular being horrifically well-done. i have had a complete mental breakdown in 6minutes47seconds to hey! mr. sky.
its like....fuck....being alone on the plains on a warm summer day with a guitar as the sun falls behind the mountains and the mescaline starts to take effect. and all of your dead ancestors suddenly show up to tell you that they are proud of you, and life is perfect, and god only exists within you, and that everything will always be okay, and that it is natural to worry, but not important. also they want you to know that you are hopelessly connected to every living creation on earth, and that this is not a bad thing, and that the incredible ecstatic feeling you have deep in your stomach right now, as the blue of the sky starts to slowly degrade to darker and darker shades and bright pinpoints of light emerge from the blackness pointing your way heavenward, is god, and all things are set right.
shit dude. its fucking amazing. just play it loud. take drugs if you can, but it's not important.
1. Nice One
2. Rockaway
3. Hey! Mr. Sky
4. Spirits
5. Good Morning Kaptain
6. Loud and Mighty
7. The Louder Roared the Sea
pinnacle of music,
Deadbolt - Shrunken Head 1993
DEADBOLT! The self proclaimed "scariest band on earth." Is it true? Not in the least. But these are some scary good tunes. (I likingz to be witty.)
Shrunken Head, their debut full length, is a crawling, surf infused rockabilly gem. You've got more reverb than you can handle, catchy riffs, a constant drum pulse, and Harley Davidson's signiture low, raspy spoken word vocals about all things from cheesey horror flicks to being a postal worker. The sound is straight from a swamp, and truly can be captured by the term they coined, voodoobilly. What's more (not so much on this release) is the band's trudging pace is enhanced by using 2 basses, which they call THE WALL OF THUNDER. Regardless, this album is Cramps worship at its finest, and is a must for those who like '50's rock and an air of spookiness to their tunes.
Good Luck - Into Lake Griffy 2008

if you havent noticed by now, most of what ive been listening to recently is from because they have all the good ukulele/pop punk music. expect more of it to be bogarted soon.
pinnacle of music,
The Riverdales - Phase Three 2003
Lil Wayne - A Milli (Excision & Datsik Remix) 2009
damn i hate a shy bitch
dont you hate a shy bitch?
yeah i ATE a shy bitch
she aint shy no more, she changed her name to MY bitch
its in the 2009 mix, but this is the full version
motherfucker im ILL, not sick
Failed Attempts At Facial Hair - Girls, Friends, and Girlfriends 2009

it helps that the lyrics are fantastic and hilarious and great.
its so so so good. theres even a song about meeting a girl at a napalm death show.
Excision - Shambhala Live Mix 2008/2009
its so retardedly heavy. best parts are a mille, user error, destroyed, nation, gamma ray, yin yang. its all really good though.
christ the show was fucking insane
1. Excision – Subsonic*
2. Excision & Subvert- Darkness*
3. Rebel Sonix – Ankle Grinder
4. Datsik – Retreat (Excision Remix)*
5. Bassnectar – Ready 2 Rage
6. Excision & Datsik – Swagga*
7. Dz – Dubstep in Disguise*
8. Prodigy – Voodoo People (Riskotheque remix)
9. Riskotheque – Heaven and Hell
10.Downlink – Station Six*
11.Excision & Datsik – Calypso*
12.Datsik – Mechano*
13.Stereotype – Shock (Nero Remix)
14.Excision & Liquid Stranger – Get to the Point*
15.Vaski – World on Fire*
16.Stickybuds – Whalestep (acapella)
17.Excision – Dirty Shoulder*
18.Reso – Beasts in the Bassment VIP
19.Proxy – Dance Dark (Ollie & Bare Noize Remix)
20.Bassnectar – Cozza Frenzy VIP
21.Chase & Status – Mad House
22.Defstar – Get Down
23.Excision & Datsik – Sin Side*
24.Excision & Datsik – Boom*
25.Spl & Triage – Bushido
26.Excision – The Village*
27.Current Value & Dean Rodell – User Error
28.Mark Instinct – Destroyed*
29.Pendulum – Ransom
30.Excision & Bassnectar- Nation
31.Dimentia & Triage – Payback
32.Audio – Pandorum
33.Aeph & Maztek – Changes
34.Triage – Crimson Glare
35.Arsenic – Decapitator (Audio Remix)
36.Tech Itch – Ruckus (Excision Remix)
37.Excision – Slayed*
38.Jakes – Rock The Bells VIP
39.The Widdler – Harrington 1200
40.The Widdler – Prehistoric World
41.Datsik – Gizmo
42.Downlink – Gamma Ray*
43.Excision & DZ – Round 2*
44.Excision & Datsik – Invaders*
45.Datsik – Galvanize
46.Excision & DZ – Yin Yang*
47.Excision & Liquid Stranger – One*
48.Excision – No Escape (Datsik Remix)*
49.Excision & Noiz – Force (Bassnectar & Excision VIP)*
right click, save as
and heres the mix from 2008, because its just another hour and a half of a really good thing. CHRIST. oh my god and the intro is like 1000x better/more hilarious than the 2009 mix.
1- Excision - System Check
2- Excision & Ultrablack - Bear Trap
3- Ill Bill Bachelor - The Demons
4- Noah D & No Thing - Unknown suspect
5- Roommate & Spl - Gangster
6- Suspicious Stench - Ghost Town
7- Skream - Oskilatah
8- Cotti & Cluekid — The Legacy
9- Bassnectar - Dubble Step
10- Antiserum - Rambo Style
11-12th Planet - 28 Hours Later
12-Ohmwerk - Dubcore
13-Vex'd - Angels
14-Vista - Exit Wound
15-Excision & Noiz - Do it Now
16-Excision & Redline - Square 1
17-Stenchman - Sounds of the Future
18-Trillbass & Bro Safari - Fist Pump
19-DZ - Oooh
20-DZ - The Fireman
21-Ill Bill Bachelor & B.U.N. - Yorkshire Pudding
22-Ultrablack - UBGW
23-12th Planet - Open Your Eyes
24-Excision & Noiz - Force
25-Audio - Warehouse VIP
26-Konflict - Messiah (Noisia Remix)(Excision Edit)
27-Jackal & Cheshire - Newtown Sounds
28-Bar 9 - Shaolin
29-Nero - This Way
30-12th Planet - C sick (Excision Edit)
31-Babylon System - Our Moment
32-Excision & The Subdivision - Hypothermic
33-SPL - Cobalt
34-Excision & Endophyte - Aliens
35-Ohmwerk - Templar
36-12th Planet - Lighters
37-B.U.N. & Ill Bill Bachelor - Choppa
38-Five Oh One - Get Back
39-DZ - Down
40-Nero - Workout
41-Corrupt Souls - 1138
42-Mistabishi - Pleasures
43-Skream - Sandsnake (Excision Edit)
44-Excision - Serious business
45-Reso - If you Can't Beat 'em
46-Computer Club - Load Rocket
47-Excision - More Obvious
48-Stenchman - What the Future Holds VIP
49-Bar 9 - Pussyhole
50-Excision - Wasted
51-Nero - Night Thunder
update: SO. HEAVY. like being flattened by a crashing space station.
update 2: seriously. i cannot get over how stupidly fucking great his tone is. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH .
drum n' bass,
Jodis - Secret House 2009

oooof. aaron turner and two guys from khanate, making stuff that isnt anything like ISIS or khanate or house of low culture or grey machine. its unbelievably sparse drone, a lot like a less fuzzy and much darker earth. with turners vocals (both kinds! oh wow. both kinds).
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Pin Points & Gin Joints 2009
downloading now! cannot yet review! it doesnt matter, THEYRE BACK
update: meh
01. Graffiti Worth Reading
02. Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah
03. The Route That I Took
04. You Left Right?
05. Too Many Stars
06. Your Life
07. I Wrote It
08. Not to Me on That Night
09. Wasted Summers
10. Sister Mary
11. It Will Be
12. The Death Valley Vipers
13. The Bricklayer's Story
14. A Pretty Sad Excuse
Stealth Mode!
because this band's record label has proven terrifyingly effective at cockblocking any hosting/sharing of the album, even several months after its release, youre going to have to torrent it. but you probably should, because its a lot of fun.
The Specials - The Specials 1979
This is really the quntessential 2-tone album. You've got the reggae, the first-wave feel, but also a dash of punk, but on a lesser note, a dash of annoying Brittish vocals. Either way, though, this is a solid album most of the way through. Little Bitch is probably the best ska song ever written post first wave, Dawning of a New Era is one of the happiest songs ever written, Do the Dog and Concrete Jungle are just great tracks. The rest of the album I can live without as far as original songs go, but the highlights of the album are the covers, no question. A Message to You, Rudy is one of the best A) openers to an album, and B) best reggae covers, ever. But then you get to Monkey Man. You will shit bricks; it's that fucking good. The original is perfect, don't get me wrong, but the sped up feel the Specials give it breathe new life into it that you never knew it needed. Absolutely brilliant. There arent enough good things to say about the great songs, so without further brown-nosing, i present 2-tone, the way it should sound. U-N-I-T-Y.
Wu-Tang Meets The Indie Culture Vol. 2 - Enter The Dubstep 2009

im a little annoyed that the excision/datsik remix of biochemical equation uses the exact same song as the excision/datsik song sin side in the excision mix. like, its the exact same, but they slow down wu tang and mash it into the beat, instead of the other way around. sin side is way better anyway. what a cheap move.
update: jesus fucking christ he uses the same song AGAIN for Alexander Spit - I Got That Dy Lan. ...who the fuck does that? yeah the beats cool, but cmon man. even chuck berry only did it twice.
wawaawawawawawawwaw waa waa waa waa waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa waabuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh
* also if for some reason you were like LOL IM GOING 2 GET IN2 DUBSTEP LOLOLOL this is not the place to start. 60% of these songs are terrible. ill try to find cozza frenzy and some records.
1. Deep Space (Jay Da Flex & Yoof Remix)
2. New Year Banga (Rogue Star Remix)
3. Street Corners (Scuba Scythe Remix)
4. Love Don't Cost (A Thing)/Still Grimey (Nebulla & Dore Remixes)
5. Knuckle Up (Matt U Remix)
6. Biochemical Equation (Datsik & Excision Remix)
7. Keep Hustlin (Trillbass Remix)
8. Now Or Never (Parson Remix)
9. Cinema (Chimpo Remix)
10. Coke (DZ Remix)
11. Iconoclasts (Syndaesia & AKS Remix)
12. Handle The Heights (Stenchman Remix)
13. Do It Big (Baobinga & I'd Remix)
14. Wu-Tang (DZ Remix)
15. Let's Get It (Evol Intent Remix)
16. Lyrical Swords (Pawn Remix)
17. Think Differently (Hellfire Machina Remix)
18. Pencil/MyPiano/Firehouse (Soroka Remixes)
19. Alphabets (Dakimh Instrumental Remix)
Some Girls - All My Friends Are Going Death 2003
1. All My Friends Are Going Death – 0:56
2. Gonna Set My Soul on Fire – 1:24
3. Now Only Memories Run on Railway Tracks – 1:17
4. The Rains – 1:01
5. His N' Hers – 1:04
6. Up to Our Hips – 0:33
7. Sex and Glue – 1:07
8. Red Cuts Through Black Hearts – 0:51
9. Some Girls Have All the Fuck – 0:49
10. Queens Without Kings – 0:44
11. Blues Singer – 0:50
12. Aligula – 0:49
13. Pale Pink Vodka Veins – 0:55
14. No Fun – 1:40
15. Up to Our Hips (Again) – 0:41
16. Untitled – 2:58
chaotic hardcore,
The Aggrolites - Dirty Reggae 2003
This album is the pinnacle of modern reggae. And that's probably because it sounds EXACTLY like it came from '69.
The Aggrolites started in the late 90's, early 2000's as a backing band for Derrick Morgan. As if that's not enough reason to listen to them, they've also been used as the backing band for Prince Buster and performed on Yo Gabba Gabba, the scariest, but coolest kids show of all time. They also play with Tim Armstrong sometimes, but no one gives a shit because he can suck my left nut.
But the music on this album is perfect. They use a great mix between songs with vocals and soulful interludes. The sound is straight up Kingston, and they're from LA. Crazy. But regardless of where they're from, this, their debut album, is a great place to start with this band, but is by no means a place to stop (I will help with that as time goes on.) It shows a love for good reggae, soul, and skinhead culture before it got fucked. It represents reggae in its purest form and shows that there is A LOT more to reggae than smoking weed and being a hippie. So be happy! Turn this album up as loud as it will go and FEEEEEEEEL it. Also, if you're not feeling it by the end of the album, the title track alone will change your mind. Incredible.
early reggae,
Mogwai - EP+6 2000
did you see him when i was away?
i'd have phoned but you would have spoiled the truth
will he be at the pub tonight?
i'll hide my rage and take a sip.
will he be yours as of today?
will i never see you now if you're taken?
are you still wearing the ring?
when she told me i was a little shaken.
like a bird, a feather bed, my sister says, and we'll get wed.
and i should tell you that i adore you,
but i'm sure that i'd just bore you.
David Koresh - Voice Of Fire 1994
1: Book of Daniel
2: Biblical Lecture (spoken word)
3: Sheshonahim
fire and brimstone,
Jesu - Heart Ache EP 2004
jesus fucking christ how is this an EP? and how have i not heard it until now?
holy shit.
i dont even know. this is like everything jesu has done, but rawer and denser and with the same lyrical patterns as all the later shit (meaning it sounds unbelievably personal and ultimately universal at the same time, which means he can easily make you feel like shit without any effort expended on his part). its like the self-titled album reduced to nothingness.
but what do i know i cant even feel my fucking hands.
Kowloon Walled City
update: holy god is it heavy
Gambling On The Richter Scale - 2009
1. Annandale
2. Diabetic Feet
3. Clockwork
4. Sleep Debt
5. Paper Houses
6. Gambling on the Richter Scale
7. Bone Loss
8. More Like the Shit Factory
Turk Street EP - 2008
1. Turk, Taylor, and Jones
2. My Hands Are Turning To Bricks
3. Another Corporate Takeover
4. Inheritance
5. Make Us Pay
Secondstar - Teeth EP 2009
free! a mix of bon iver and feist. and some of fire on fire. its slow, and they have a banjo. also, handclaps and whistling.

Blacklisted - No One Deserves To Be Here More Than Me 2009
"sometimes i leave the house early, just to ride the subway all day
sizin' up every station, to see which one fits my plan of jumpin' in front of the traaiin"
i dont think anyone is actually reading this, but i cannot recommend this album enough.
Side A:
Our Apartment Is Always Empty
Everything In My Life Is For Sale
J.M.N. (Interlude)
No One Deserves To Be Here More Than Me
G.E.H. (Interlude)
The P.I.G. (Problem Is G.)
Side B:
I'm Trying To Disappear
I Am Extraordinary
S.M.F. (Interlude)
Plankton Wat - Dawn Of The Golden Eternity 2009
TV Buddhas - The Golden Period 2009
tv buddhas are also from israel, and are two dudes who play similar monotonic music. only the album is good, but i cant vouch for the live show. it sounds fun though.
stoner rock?,
two dudes getting lewd
Achilles + Engineer - Split 2005
except heres the tracklist
1. Passing into Shadow
2. The Ritual
3. The Ritual 2
4. Save Nothing
5. Dialed In
6. Evacuating
7. The Great Mistake
8. Televascular
9. Decades
10. Covered and Calloused
chaotic hardcore,
Kill The Zodiac
KTZ - Dying Locust

Ben Frost - Theory of Machines 2006

update: turns out its exactly like 9 minutes and 30 seconds of the scene in apocalypse now redux where willard is talking to the french family at their table and then the main french guy leaves and its just willard and the woman and the sun has set behind her and shes all lit up and shes kind of looking around and then abruptly looks directly into the camera and her eyes like, fucking flash and its incredible to see, even though its only a split second. so 9.5 minutes of that.
update 2: this is it. this is the only song i ever want to hear again. i know it really doesnt do much, it doesnt go far, and it relies upon standard post rock formulas, but this is it. this song is fucking it. the only thing i may ever need. a lot of people dont agree, or at least dont feel it, and thats totally cool. this song is mine, and this is everything that i can still truly feel.
update 3, 1/11/11, WFLM posted this today and i got all jealous again.
pinnacle of music
Dillinger Four - C I V I L W A R 2008
keeps getting better.
01. A Jingle for the Product ( 3:47)
02. Contemplate this on the tree of woe. ( 3:00)
03. parishiltonisametaphor ( 2:57)
04. Gainesville ( 3:37)
05. Ode to the North American Snake Oil Distributor ( 2:27)
07. The Classical Arrangement ( 2:22)
09. The Art of Whore ( 3:12)
10. Fruity Pebbles ( 3:05)
12. Like Eye Contact in an Elevator ( 3:08)
13. clown cars on cinder blocks ( 3:16)
Chuck Berry - Greatest Hits 2005
rock and roll
Tree Sounds - Naps 2009
V/A - Short Music For Short People 1999
The Distillers - Coral Fang 2003
perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect
its not difficult to have the same little boy crush for 7 years when she is responsible for an album like this
the gallow is god
pinnacle of music,
A Silver Mt. Zion - Horses In The Sky 2005

- God Bless our Dead Marines
- Mountains Made of Steam
- Horses in the Sky
- Teddy Roosevelt's Guns
- Hang On to Each Other
- Ring Them Bells (Freedom Has Come and Gone)
pinnacle of music,
Michio Kurihara - Sunset Notes 2009
probably post something,
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