The guy who makes this music is the poster child for LATFH, which makes me feel a little bit guilty about listening to it. But, um... it's really, really good. So I feel moderately justified.
real sweet atmo-sludge. lots of dreamy post rock guitars and screamo vox. and electronic noise drone feedback. and stoner riffs. and colossal doom parts.
01. Midwestern I 02. Midwestern II 03. Midwestern III 04. Midwestern IV
1st track I want to call "lovestep" is that gay? He's really good at making the songs with that sort of vibe...I don't know listen and judge for yourself. 2nd track is a banger, although he rinses that same fucking siren in so many's a great siren but he uses it a lot! Good release, can't wait to see him again... With Pretty Lights @ Red Rocks perhaps if not Foco Oct 7th!!!!
This Minnesota 5-piece punk group has returned with their sophomore release In Desolation.The album is a follow-up to their 2008 From the Bottom, which was an onslaught of driving guitars, chugging basslines, and a seriously upset whiskey-and-cigarettes style vocalist.With In Desolation, frontman Ryan Young opts for more melodic and catchier vocals.It works to an effect, especially on “Clear the Air” which has the best vocal intro and makes a great ending for the album.However, at times, the vox gets preachy and repetitive.
He still sings about the monster inside him, and hating life, etc. etc. but it’s just too slow.I want the grit From the Bottom carried, which was still catchy and melodic, but faster!
Minus points for the best guitar rippage on the whole album being done by an outside party (Ted Howard)
Overall, these up-and-comers sophomore album still kicks ass, but the second punch doesn’t hit as hard as the first.
RIYL : Dillinger Four, Street Dogs, Hot Water Music, Self-depricating fist-pumping punk rock.
RT: Drive, Their Own Medicine, Trying to Breathe, All I Can Do, Spare Time, Clear the Air
Parkway's heaviest and chunkiest shit yet! And they ditch the clean vox. But still a little generic. If you like chunky breakdowns this is a skeetfest. Oh yea - it's a concept album.
I bought this cd because it was supposed to have some of the highest quality versions of Alexander Skriabin's music, and it did. Wojciech Kocyan perfectly captures the sense of mysticism that guided Skriabin's composing, Sonata f moll nr.1 op.6 is an excellent example of this. The two Rachmaninov pieces were selected well and are incredibly well done; Preludium gis moll op.32 nr.12 is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard. Of the Prokofiew pieces, Precipitato is far and away the most impressive, I've seen Kocyan's performance of it described as "pyrotechnic," and for a piano piece it is.
I realize that people who read this blog would probably not listen to this kind of music frequently, so if you do give it a chance, these are the best four songs in descending order: 1. Preludium gis moll op.32 nr.12 2. Precipitato 3. Sonata f moll nr.1 op.6 4. Sonata-fantasy in G sharp minor No.2 Op. 19 Skriabin Prokofiew Rachmaninow - Wojciech Kocyan
Been out since... April I think. Mostly only posting this because I'm not sure if Duncan has heard them yet, but know he will like it. I don't care to write much about this other than that it's really good and that you should download it from the link below. HOWEVER! PLEASE donate SOMETHING when you download it. Small band, small label. Share the love. Also find their 7 inches if you are so inclined. they are also really good.
Stealing from Duncan, because I am their unofficial #1 superfan/fanboy.
Words cannot describe how excited I was for this album to drop (yes, i just said "drop" referring to an album's release date). First full length by probably my favorite new and active band=wet dream. Huge wet dream. I also pre-ordered this within an hour of the pre-order going up so i got a signed insert and some pins and shit for free. Even bigger wet dream. I also finally got to see them for the first time earlier this month after being foiled from seeing them the 3 times they've come to Denver and it was EVERYTHING I could have hoped for, including microphones being shoved in my face because i was screaming EVERY GODDAMN WORD right in front. Religious experience. But that is neither hear nor there.
Since I've gotten this album, my iTunes tells me i have listened to this album a minimum of 16 times, all the way through. my actual count is even higher because i still have the CD in my car. Needless to say, this album is super awesome.
Comparing it to their earlier recordings, it is a lot less technical as a whole, but is still very technical in areas (see: Pidgeon). Their musicianship and songwriting is topnotch as ever on this one. The cost for this recording must have doubled the price of each EP as well; HUGE sound. That is not necessarily a good thing though, because i loved the simplicity of their first 2, production-wise. To be honest, i kind of got tired of the HUGE orchestral arrangements and sound and wanted to retreat back into Big Bopper Anthems or something. Sound wise, this album kind of sounds like they picked up right where they left off, but listened to Vampire Weekend and The Black Keys while recording, sounds which are evident, but not forefront throughout. Again, not necessarily needed, as their sound was unique as it was, and now i'm comparing one of my favorite bands to a band I love to hate. NONETHELESS! this album is a bit different, a bit poppier, a bit more sing along-esque, and is a whole lot of fun. Everyone should listen to it for the rest of their lives. And if the string arrangements start to wear on you like they did with me after listening to it so many times, imagine them playing it live, sans cheesy arrangements and just meeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllltttttttttt.
a must-have. ISIS is in top form in what may be their last release ever, sounding like a very lighthearted and swift melodicprog-pelican and with aaron turners flawless fucking vocals again. i am going to miss them very, very much.
melvins deliver goofy choppy discordant stoner sludge rock stuff that shouldnt be surprising.
1. Melvins - Pig House (Alt. Version) 2. Melvins - I'll Finish You Off (Alt. Version) 3. Isis - Way Through Woven Branches 4. Isis - The Pliable Foe
kind of did what domakesaythink did with their last one, which was cut all the horribly drawn-out stuff and GET TO THE ROCKIN. and went nuts on the vocals which is so fucking awesome because they sound amazing. more fun and dynamic than gifts from enola, mostly in part to the voxxx, also due to the ridiculous amount of tones the album plows through. sludgy dual guitar noodling, delay soaked drones with clean and growl vocals simultaneously, etc. and theres no wasted time. very, very well done.
in your eyes is the bee's tits.
1. The Violence Beneath 2. Buried Hopes 3. Restore 4. In Your Eyes
australia. really thrashy hardcore, like if carpathian stopped whining and started destroying. like if jordans hardcore bands stopped whining and playing different chords and got in more fights.
1. Into The Night 2. Calamities 3. Towers 4. Awakening 5. Across The Desert 6. Floods 7. Grove Of Darkness 8. Ethereal 9. The Storm 10. Grey Matter 11. The Abyss
completely destroys from fathoms. im not sure where they found their new sound but its colossal and noodly and mathematically inclined. nice vocals too, when they show up.
1. Lionized 2. Dime And Suture 3. Alagoas 4. Grime And Glass 5. Rearview
Sanka Coffie: 'Nuff people say, you know they can't believe, Jamaica, we have a bobsled team. We have the one Derice...
Derice Bannock: And the one Junior... Junior Bevill: Yu- Junior Bevill: ... Sanka! Derice Bannock: The fastest of the fastest of Jamaican sprinters... Sanka Coffie, Derice Bannock, Junior Bevill: Go to Olympics, fight for Jamaica!
okay imagine if busdriver and del joined jurassic 5, then mos def helped produce their album.
its real good, and the good news is, jordan didnt post it, its not ironic williamsburgians, and no one has ever called it "art-rap", because that is the stupidest fucking thing i have ever heard in my life and im still not over the fact that jordan posted something called "art-rap" and then exacerbated the damage by calling it "art-rap" on the blog.
jordan, just delete it so i dont have to look at it anymore because i hate it and i hate you.
the a-team now has to wade in, from 10 years ago, and fix me.
Folk concept album dealing with the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice's romance. Features appearences by Justin Vernon (better known as Bon Iver) and Ani DeFranco.
Brilliant, beautiful and fucking amazing album. Contender for AOTY.
Absolutely ridiculous art-rap/electro from New York. Not to be taken seriously, they got their start by drunkenly freestyling at each other, then deciding to record it after a while. This is the end result, and it's really fucking good. Dudes can flow and rhyme like the best. They describe their take of hip hop as deconstructionalist, killing it while they re-invent it.
I don't know.
Anyways, don't take yourself too seriously and listen to some rap about eating cheeseburgers, pizza and smoking weed.
This is one of only 3 albums I consider to be absolutely perfect in every single way. 10/10, I would change nothing about this record. Every detail is executed flawlessly.
jesus goddamn i love this guy. similar in tone to aether (GP plays a ton of different instruments, most notably guitar), but waaaay heavier and far darker. lots of guitar, lots of drums, sometimes sparse, sometimes repetitive, sometimes total chaos.
Dark, fast, catchy, occult punk rock? I dunno, but it's got Argyle Gooslby from Blitzkid playing bass and singing, and it's a very eclectic mix of neo-folk, post-punk, rockabilly and pure straight death rock. Songs about the occult, mysticism and nightmares and longing. Definitely give it a listen if you're into that kinda thing.
Sounds like: A love child of Joy Division and early Misfits, but sped up x10.
So this chef/electronic producer I met yesterday told me about this group.
Randolf Reimann is a musician and a support worker at a home for severely mentally/physically disabled people in rural Australia. I guess what happened is that he walked in while a music class was being conducted, all of the people playing triangles and things-- really not making music at all. Determined to make a change, he brought in six midi controllers, a microphone, and his MacBook with Ableton Live 7. He started teaching them how to use it all, and they actually kind of got the hang of it. They started recording songs as Tra La La Blip, a collective of three sub-bands (so to speak): the younger kids who go by MSG (Movers, Soothers, and Groovers), the middle-aged folk who go by Wash Your Hands, and the older ones who go by Honeydance. I couldn't find a torrent for their album, but I found this YouTube video. They did the stop action stuff too.
sounds like mammoths stampeding through an earthquake fighting ancient bearded warriors on harleys while listening to sabbath and punching babies in the faces
Ryan is an incredible short film about Ryan Larkin, an influential animator during the early 70s who battled alcoholism and drug abuse for most of his life. The techniques used are brilliant, especially considering the fact that no motion-capture was used in its making, but Ryan's real importance comes from the window it gives into the life of its subject.
Christ does that sound sanitized beyond belief. Someone get me on Amazon. But seriously, its 14 minutes long, the director describes the style as 'psychorealism,' and the film is intensely meaningful. Give it a shot.
Hey look I posted something! drmanhattan is fun stuff, I think they have a post punk feel to them but I'm not big on genres. It's catchy, give em a try if you haven't already. I like Tracy's Buns and To Feel Cozy Surrounded By Cats. And they're named after a pretty cool character too, I figure that should count for something.
Amazing, literally AMAZING screamo/post-hardcore from a virtually unknown band. Also, this band is super rare, so celebrate! You just got some indie cred! Do a little shuffle!
This band has an 11 minute song that makes my shiver whenever I listen to it. The vocals are different, but still very fitting.