where'd the cat?
but unlike OK Go, Weezer is fucking terrible all of the time.
aint nobody seen no...DAMN
man you got long-ass balls.
homer's singing reggae in the bathroom! braaap!
so i think nate and i may be the same person. but also bui and i are the same person. and jake roe. we're all the same person in different ways.
i dont know, just...fly casual!
hey that's my dinner!
if i see the cash cab one more time...
hey guys, get him a tissue. 'cuz he cryin again!
i slipped you the tongue and you just giggled!
its my nigga orpheus!
lets go 1 hour with no inside jokes. -...credits, will do fine.
1st world problems!
im acting! in a PORN!
theres no retard in team.
this is photoshop, i can tell from all the pixels.
drink every time there's a one-liner, a bald guy, a terrible accent, or something gets cut in half by a sword. also, boobies.
duncan, if i choke you to the point where you pass out, do i win?
you guys dont know how to eat right! you eat pringles all wrong!
did you know nick d's last name was donato? i thought it was just "d".
someone doomcar'd a chihuahua on 280. before james got the memo.
im nate hout, and my parents are dead. ...wAnNa SeE wHeRe ThEy'Re BuRiEd?!?!?!?!?!
im nate hout, and i have kids, and for some reason i cant not be on a pogo stick. KIDS, I NEED BOTH OF YOU TO TIE ME OFF BEFORE WE CRASH THE CAR INTO THE MALL.
i could feel the heat radiating off her vagine.
hey guys! remember....SEBULBA??
what gets me is, do you realize that george bush could easily be watching the same thing right now?
bui i just saw some white dude kill your grandpa in high def.
by the testicles of zeus......a giant scorpion!
credits...WILL do fine. NO, THEY WONT. - im the only human that can do it!
im a baby bird!
homer pulled an amiel, nate just pulls himself.
TJ, get HARD so paul can use you!
duncan, to be honest, your mustache is so awful that i cant even look at you right now.
hey, have you guys seen alladin 2: return of didja'fart?
goddamn, how much mckennamine did you do?
hey grandpa! move your wrinkly old keister! -...shut up!
hey feg betches, why dont you all chut the feck up so i can sleep you fegs. betch.
hey alfonso, your dongs out. hey, alfongoloid, stop being a mongoloid! this lamp really ties the room together.
bui, dani...thanks for making a fort with me.
why do you think we're under this table? because GIRLS. DONT. LIKE. US.
im chris koppel! and poverty doesnt strike, I DO.
its me, bo! ...your brother! -yeah, except not! hes not pathetic like you!
whats your favorite taco bell side dish? if you look up hout trout in the dictionary...
good morning nate. - i threw my phone in a glass of wine.
christ he WONT SHUT OFF
whats her shirt say? "slut", in elvish?
when did wanda sykes get hot?
softcore porn is so much easier to follow than the scorpion king 2.
the scorpion king 2?!?! i didnt know they made another! is it any good?!
who wants to listen to white zombie for the rest of the day?
hmm... i just realized this, but as of last night, ive kissed more boys in my life than girls. and im the straightest guy ever.
do da do da do da do da dude ass.
oh hes the double droppah! the dub beneath! its a worldwide ting!
are you candy bocim?
BATTLE ROYALE ON THE UPSTAIRS DECK! hey, where my glasses at?!
i suck at school because of you and dubstep.
sammy's trapped at burning man!
my god did that smell good.
hey.......where the road at?!?
they do i tell you, they do! ...that was acting.
wait, how long have you all been wearing life vests?
seriously, i turned away for 10 seconds, and nate was completely naked.
Where'd you learn to drive? TJ taught me! Mmm, tastes like... Mango...
If you were a knave I'd banish you.
Is you rollin!!? Bitch I might be!
I'm sick of kissing guys! Where da gurls at!?
Where's my baby! Where's Aaron!
oh god it's winking at me!
i kind of feel bad that we've made homer so gay